
Capstone Project of Udacity's Full Stack Development Nanodegree

Primary LanguagePython

Udacity Full Stack Development Nanodegree

This is the capstone project of Udacity's Full Stack Development Nanodegree

Data Modeling

Architect Relational Database Models in Python

Key data models are defined using SQLAlchemy in here

Below is the ERD generated by ERAlchemy

Entity Relationship Diagram

Utilize SQLAlchemy to Conduct Database Queries

All database queries in this project is implemented using Python SQLAlchemy.

DB queries for resource posts can be found here

API Architecture and Testing

Follow RESTful Principles of API Development

In this project all the RESTful endpoints are implemented using Flask RESTplus inside here

Structure Endpoints to Respond to Four HTTP methods with Error Handling

The interactive RESTful endpoints using Swagger UI can be accessed at here

Here is the overview of posts endpoints

RESTful API Posts

Utilize the @app.errorhandler Decorator to Format error Responses as JSON Ojects for at least Four Different Status Codes

All error handlers are implemented inside here

Enable Role Based Authentication and Roles-Based Access Control (RBAC) in a Flask application

Project Implements a Custom @requires_auth Decorator

The custom @requires_auth decorator, which implementes * Authentication * Authorization can be found here

Project Includes at least Two Different Roles that Have Distinct Permissions for Actions

The two roles defined in this project are as follows:

First role is admin, which can perform all actions on posts.

Roles Administrator

Second role is user, which can perform all actions except delete on posts.

Roles User

Demonstrate Validity of API Behavior

All the 5 endpoints are fully tested, each with * At least one test for expected success and error behavior * All the 2 roles plus non-login situation. The test case implementations can be found here

The test coverage analysis is as below

Test Coverage Analysis

The coverage rate is limited due to the implementation nature of Flask RESTPlus.

Third-Party Authentication

Configure Third-Party Authentication Systems

The Auth0 Domain Name, Client ID and the two JWT code signing secrets are available at here

Configure Roles-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Roles and Permission Tables are Configured in Auth0

The two roles defined in this project are as follows:

First role is admin, which can perform all actions on posts.

Roles Administrator

Second role is user, which can perform all actions except delete on posts.

Roles User

Access of Roles is Limited. Includes at least Two Different Roles with Different Permissions

Below is the association between roles and accounts in this project

Role Association Administrator

Role Association User

The JWT Includes the RBAC Permission Claims

The generated JWT can be analyzed in the JWT Online Debugger

Here is one example of decoded JWT payload, which contains the permissions field.

Permissions in JWT Payload


Application is Hosted Live at Student Provided URL

The APP is hosted on Heroku at D & G Services Uda Social Blogging

The API is available as Swagger UI at D & G Services Uda Social Blogging APIs

Please follow the instructions below to play around with the APIs.

Includes Instructions to Set Up Authentication

First, get the required JWT for Authorization header at here

You can login using the following accounts:

No Account Password Sample JWT
1 guest01@udasocialblogging.com guest01@udasocialblogging eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6Ik1rUTVOVEZDTXpaRk5UYzFPVVk1T0VVMlF6VXdPRFExUVRFME56UkRRek14T0VGRE1UVkdSZyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2Rldi1kLWFuZC1nLXVkYXNvY2lhbGJsb2dnaW5nLmF1dGgwLmNvbS8iLCJzdWIiOiJhdXRoMHw1ZTY1OGVmMWM2ZGJjOTBkM2RlNGIxMmUiLCJhdWQiOiJkZXYtZC1hbmQtZy11ZGFzb2NpYWxibG9nZ2luZy1hcGkiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODM3MjQzMDAsImV4cCI6MTU4MzczMTUwMCwiYXpwIjoiaTdRSEFRalBpNm9VMUxMRkZsVTBybEkwcTQ2SDNub2siLCJzY29wZSI6IiIsInBlcm1pc3Npb25zIjpbXX0.sjlYQoWm3_IDuWnDvWj5gvKRH-PxPcPY6jDf3K3e_Hzqyljua56YiY3FUujJpWEU6e5lqWZvzpwse9WoUhS-HhVH21XRcBNjZ7_ni7hUW4jeJ7AeLUtwZMayVvVtIVBwHMs70lX69AnS64H4Pfe0plrr2c0LLioog3Ww-d2J8awpICbtn2kGo6uyhRaXWiRelO3Og2I3n0GVn26owivUgGow_9bLRNH2Vc4CJV3r-yM5CyzsJO5CLCDSxax737aiCVKZbEAhF-axDEKGpxB6nWWhLfM8CYYnzaIzXKedzNac9AFz6DBZqGBcuwqA9PSXr9kuI2TDFZs70Iy5KaVjKQ
2 user01@udasocialblogging.com user01@udasocialblogging eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6Ik1rUTVOVEZDTXpaRk5UYzFPVVk1T0VVMlF6VXdPRFExUVRFME56UkRRek14T0VGRE1UVkdSZyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2Rldi1kLWFuZC1nLXVkYXNvY2lhbGJsb2dnaW5nLmF1dGgwLmNvbS8iLCJzdWIiOiJhdXRoMHw1ZTYzMGRiYTEwYjQ2MTBkM2Q4OTZjNjgiLCJhdWQiOiJkZXYtZC1hbmQtZy11ZGFzb2NpYWxibG9nZ2luZy1hcGkiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODM3MjQxNDksImV4cCI6MTU4MzczMTM0OSwiYXpwIjoiaTdRSEFRalBpNm9VMUxMRkZsVTBybEkwcTQ2SDNub2siLCJzY29wZSI6IiIsInBlcm1pc3Npb25zIjpbImdldDpwb3N0LWRldGFpbCIsInBhdGNoOnBvc3QiLCJwb3N0OnBvc3QiXX0.aDhKHb9VXOnffwk3Ywa4Q3PhKfrs4S2QbjXy3uigokFNUrcVKitmM9LRmMoePxRIUklZIWXwl8vYAraWT12p4vDFt1DzuMRLKH4n2GpGaIRuPaW9A0SGBaD8jRt1-x3Hdtqd2Lj5vKpUtnfji_X8c0oUMYj8P8JYvwIeS5Vj49qqybZAm8_lsWOJhWW0S6wzasH_VXIb_mLibSYFiI3ybFZrAsDOAYLDNFY0LrM8cc__lkLx8-E9T6qKm_Z-Pehe2uAQ7zXbjAcgwv6OVvOliYe1ehtvjViXXzG_4u5vTCrQ5x2vgKMP53-QIWihwhAyl9VxRJ--rf1pGsAW1sSR7Q
3 admin01@udasocialblogging.com admin01@udasocialblogging eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6Ik1rUTVOVEZDTXpaRk5UYzFPVVk1T0VVMlF6VXdPRFExUVRFME56UkRRek14T0VGRE1UVkdSZyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2Rldi1kLWFuZC1nLXVkYXNvY2lhbGJsb2dnaW5nLmF1dGgwLmNvbS8iLCJzdWIiOiJhdXRoMHw1ZTYzMDVhMDEwYjQ2MTBkM2Q4OTVjZDQiLCJhdWQiOiJkZXYtZC1hbmQtZy11ZGFzb2NpYWxibG9nZ2luZy1hcGkiLCJpYXQiOjE1ODM3MjQxNjYsImV4cCI6MTU4MzczMTM2NiwiYXpwIjoiaTdRSEFRalBpNm9VMUxMRkZsVTBybEkwcTQ2SDNub2siLCJzY29wZSI6IiIsInBlcm1pc3Npb25zIjpbImFkbWluOmFsbCIsImRlbGV0ZTpwb3N0IiwiZ2V0OnBvc3QtZGV0YWlsIiwicGF0Y2g6cG9zdCIsInBvc3Q6cG9zdCJdfQ.Smu7gYbXLskQaNuhvNo2YLRXxvutHr1osLFPIFf02P9a_m9_rUwDfWNzmt-RiOF7UUF8-J4tJkbkLSpDYRhHpwGhlZIxDoEpp594DSmuvNXhRYqSS1V6ghrxMhhg9_PgM8Z2hdZw_dEY3Ef2aV8L7NIP6YISctg4iF17A9MRaM7ad5rfEIbmdJWtjn1EVYer0ZhQXgogKy8TRVE4_wNLNExFehj27pI2VbYT5k7hLnuWSwi_lIu8-eg6CkwEb-EIYj41HXeHH81Lo86oAw0blTURInLAuB2QM3XBOYv2AQvCP3F56ahMHYCd9milnv9h_BhSTHe18twq_qgsKTblCQ

Copy this token for API debugging

Permissions in JWT Payload

After that, all the APIs can be tested interactively inside Swagger UI. Please interact with the APIs here. Below is one example for create new post.

Create Post -- Guest

Fill in the Authorization Header with "Bearer [THE_JWT_TOKEN_ABOVE]". Enjoy!

Code Quality & Documentation

Write Clear, Concise and Well Documented Code

All the core functionalities follows recommended coding practices plus ample comment for understanding.

Project Demonstrates Reliability and Testability

The backend is deployed for production using the following best practices:

  • Log Collection Outputs from stdout and stderr of Heroku are collected by flask logger.
  • SSL Proxy SSL redirect is enabled

Please find the Heroku deployment details inside HerokuConfig

Project Demonstrates Maintainability

The project has been structured according to Miguel Grinberg's recommended best practices.

Project Includes Thorough Documentation

The project has been well documented both for local and on Heroku evaluation.