
Redirect UDP socket incoming messages to ROS topic

Primary LanguageC++

ROS package for reading udp data from socket


This package enables reading from udp socket, constructing message and publishing it to user-specified topic.


  1. Put contents of this repo into [your_catkin_ws_path]/src/ and run catkin_make


  1. Launching only this node. For example with device_ip=, port_number = 54000, topic_name=socket_data, queue_size=1
roslaunch udp_publisher udp_publisher.launch device_ip:= port_number:=54000 queue_size:=1 udp_topic:=socket_data
  1. Including this roslaunch file in another package. Just past below into some existing bigger roslaunch file.
  <include file="$(find udp_publisher)/launch/udp_publisher.launch">
     <arg name="device_ip" value="" />
     <arg name="port_number" value="54000"/>
     <arg name="udp_topic" value="socket_data"/>
     <arg name="queue_size" value="1"/>