
Unofficial & non affiliated Appwrite plugin for Unity

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Unofficial & non affiliated Appwrite plugin for Unity

Still in early development. Not yet battle tested.

So far the Unity plugin for Appwrite supports some of the account features.
It stores the session cookie automatically for you, meaning you keep your session even upon restart.

Current features

  • Login
  • Get user information
  • Get JWT token
  • Register user
  • Send verification mail
  • Store cookies on disk automatically
  • Simple AES Encryption for stored data


  • UniTask for lower allocation counts & WebGL support
  • JSON . Net for JSON support

Included menu

Menu Example

Getting started

Install UniTask

This package makes use of UniTask, a package that uses a lot less allocations for C# Tasks.
It also makes deploying to WebGL easier as regular Tasks cause errors with WebGL.
To install UniTask go here: https://github.com/Cysharp/UniTask#upm-package

Install JSON. Net

JSON. Net is used to generate JSON for the requests, as well as deserialize responses from Appwrite.
Reason I did not choose for the JsonUtility was because the underlying queries could still change,
and this allowed me to just fetch specific parameters.

To install JSON. Net

Add the following to the manifest.json in /YourProjectFolder/Packages/manifest.json
"com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "3.0.2",

Install TextMeshPro

The example menu makes use of TextMeshPro. Go to the package manager and locate TextMeshPro and install it.

Easy install using the Unity Package Manager


Once the project is installed and no errors occur. Run the game, and a file called "Appwrite Config" should appear in the Resources folder.
Configure it to connect to your Appwrite server.

Config Example

Code Example

using Lowscope.AppwritePlugin;
using Lowscope.AppwritePlugin.Accounts.Enums;
using Lowscope.AppwritePlugin.Accounts.Model;
using UnityEngine;

public class BasicUsage : MonoBehaviour
	public async void Start()
		// Get user info from disk -> verify with server if session is valid. 
		// -> Not valid, then nullified.
		User user = await Appwrite.Account.GetUser();

		if (user != null)
			string id = user.Id;
			string name = user.Name;
			string email = user.Email;
			bool verifiedEmail = user.EmailVerified;

	public async void Login(string email, string password)
		var (user, response) = await Appwrite.Account.Login(email, password);

		if (response == ELoginResponse.Success)
			// Use user here.
			Debug.Log($"Error occured: {response}");

	public async void Register(string id, string name, string email, string password)
		var (user, response) = await Appwrite.Account.Register(id, name, email, password);

		if (response == ERegisterResponse.Success)
			// Use user here
			// User can opt to send verify email directly after
			Debug.Log($"Error occured: {response}");

	public async void VerifyEmail()
		// Sends request from current user session
		var response = await Appwrite.Account.RequestVerificationMail();

		if (response == EEmailVerifyResponse.Sent)
			// Email has been sent!
			Debug.Log($"Error occured: {response}");

	public async void GetJwt()
		// Sends request from current user session
		var jwt = await Appwrite.Account.ObtainJwt();

		if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jwt))
			// Use the JWT. Cached based on duration specified in configuration.