source code to generate .nec files for helical wire antennas. Purpose is to generate simulations that will help with the mechanical design of the antenna.
Will have a class to handle creating the correct geometry for the antenna. Then we'll use a handler to translate the geometry into a .nec file for simulation.
will need following modules
- nec card gen (python script)
- nec parser (using necpp)
- output generator (using necpp, or shell script nec2++)
- parameter learner (some machine learning framework)
- graphic generator (python) DONE
stuff on python-necpp nec card generator
- Class description: Include a description of the parameters and a link to the relevant page in nec manual
- Initialisation: initialise the parameters for that nec line
- Construct: Function to create a string for that line of nec code
- Verification: Verify that the parameters in the class fit NEC2 specification
- (Optional) relevant functions: Any other functions relevant to that class
you can use nec2++ to generate an output file from a given .nec file. example usage:
nec2++ -i -o example1.out
Installing nec2++ is can be done using:
sudo apt-get install nec2++
- clone the NECPP repo
git clone
follow the instructions to install necpp here. make sure you are in the necpp folder.
copy the configuration header into the 4NEC2... folder
cp (necpp_location)/config.h (4NEC2_location)/
- go to the src folder and export the NECPP_SRC_PATH environmental variable
- to compile, just go into the cpp folder and call make