
Warning message of "count_A1" was not set

yystat opened this issue · 2 comments


Thanks for sharing this package. I'm trying to use it, and when I run either the example codes ( or run using my own data, I encountered the following warning. I guess this may not affect the result, but I would like to double check with you.

Thank you very much!

Here is the warning message:

/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pysnptools-0.4.11-py3.8-linux-x86_64.egg/pysnptools/snpreader/ FutureWarning: 'count_A1' was not set. For now it will default to 'False', but in the future it will default to 'True'
  warnings.warn("'count_A1' was not set. For now it will default to 'False', but in the future it will default to 'True'", FutureWarning)

PS: there's a typo in your installation instruction on the main Github page 'python install' should be python install


Ok, thanks!