
Error in refgen while using SigProfilerExtractorR

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi all,

I am trying to use the function as the following:

sigprofilerextractor("table", output="output",filteredT , refgen = "GRCh37",
genome_build = "GRCh37", minsigs = 1, maxsigs = 3,
replicates = 5, mtype = c("96,DINUCS,ID"), init = "random",
exome = F, cpu = -1)

I received this error below;

Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) :
TypeError: sigProfilerExtractor() got an unexpected keyword argument 'refgen'

BTW, I installed reference genome for human by using install("GRCh37", rsync=FALSE, bash=TRUE)

after about 40 minutes wait time, the installation was successful.

I have the same issue. What is the solution? Thanks a lot!

this issue is in the call to sigpro$sigProfilerExtractor(). This function takes different arguments than sigProfilerExtractor()
e.g. "reference_genome" instead of "refgen", etc. ::

Thank you so much for your kind help!