
Small 2D game.
Play Ping Pong
Play with your friend!

Usage and control

  • In Main Menu press PLAY to start game
  • Control Player 1 with W and S
  • Control Player 2 with up and down
  • Play until 5 points
  • In End Menu you can go to Main Menu or Retry

Description of the creation of the game and its elements


  • Scene created with 2D Box Colliders
  • Ball created with 2D Box Colliders and has properties of RigidBoby
  • Player's rackets created with 2D Box Colliders and has properties of RigidBoby
  • Scores and scenes inscreptions implemented with UI
  • All events are changing and checking with SceneManagement

Player and Ball

  • Player is moving by changing directions of Vector
  • Ball direction and position is implemented by CollisionDetection.cs and depends on which side our ball collides
  • When our ball collides with a wall music sound is reproduced