
C# Unity

Primary LanguageASP


  • The main folder unity_tetris contains the implementation of the classic Tetris game made in Unity.

  • The vs_frm folder contains the code that implements Finite-state machine for the UI menu.

This part of the architecture included in MVC pattern, so it makes easy to add and switch between the menu windows in the application (each window is state of the machine), Such architecture allows to use this menu-plagin on any platform, whether it's Console, WPF or Xamarin application. (for add to project use namespace using FSM;)

  • In the folder vs_fsm_test there is an FSM testing code in the console application.  

Game architecture is implemented in such a way that each figure in Tetris derived from the abstract base class Figure, which contains the basic properties necessary to manage the figure on the game grid. Thus, it is easy to add any new figures of arbitrary shape.

image image image

Controls: A, S - move shape right/left; D - accelerate descent; W - fast dropp; Q - rotate shape;
