Here is the code for the paper: OCP: An Online Contingent Planning Method for Robot Tasks in Unknown Environments
There are total 4 packages,including:
code for the planning algorithmROSPlan
some ROS msgs and servicestiago_demo_planning
The exact case, including two scenarios and the ExPDDL files and implentations for each actiontiago_dependencies
dependencies for tiago robot
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS Noetic
- Download this repo.
- Install dependencies
cd <this repo>
git submodule update --init --recursive
- compile
catkin build
Scenario 1
roslaunch tiago_serving_demo tiago_sim.launch world:=tiago_5house_tables
Scenario 2
roslaunch tiago_serving_demo tiago_sim.launch world:=tiago_5house_tables_2objs
Scenario 1
roslaunch tiago_demo_planning planning.launch
Scenario 2
roslaunch tiago_demo_planning planning_2objs.launch
time rosservice call /xyz_plan_dispatch/online_dispatch
rostopic echo /xyz_knowledge_base/planning_time
time unit: ms
├── planning_node
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── files
│ ├── fmt-8.1.1
│ ├── include
│ ├── launch
│ ├── package.xml
│ └── src
│ ├── pddl_knowledge_base # KB and the planner
│ │ ├── PDDLKnowledgeBase.cpp
│ │ ├── PDDLParser.cpp
│ │ ├── pddlparser-pp # submodule, ExPDDL parser
│ │ └── pddl_planner.cpp # planner algorithm
│ ├── plan_dispatch # dispatcher
│ │ └── XYZPlanDIspatch.cpp
│ ├── planning_node
│ ├── xyz_action_interface # ActionInterface
│ │ └── XYZActionInterface.cpp
│ └── xyz_knowledge_base
├── ROSPlan # ROS messages and services
└── tiago_demo_planning
├── config
│ ├── laser_filter_config.yaml
│ ├── map
│ ├── rviz
│ ├── waypoints.yaml
│ └── worlds
├── include
├── launch
│ ├── planning_2objs.launch # launch file of Scenario 1
│ ├── planning.launch # launch file of Scenario 2
│ ├── sublaunch
├── pddl
│ ├── domain_2objs.pddl # ExPDDL domain of Scenario 2
│ ├── problem_2objs.pddl # ExPDDL problem of Scenario 2
│ ├── domain.pddl # ExPDDL domain of Scenario 1
│ └── problem.pddl # ExPDDL problem of Scenario 1
├── scripts
│ └── # Start executing and record time used
└── src
└── ActionInterface
├── Dummy.cpp
├── GotoWaypoint.cpp
├── LocateTwoObjs.cpp
├── Pick.cpp
├── Place.cpp
└── WatchTable.cpp