I am Alireza Lashkarblooki. I am a bachelor's student in the field of computer engineering at Golestan University - Iran.
Pinned Repositories
In this section, two geometric shape recognition projects have been implemented. The main goal is to recognize 3 shapes: circle, rectangle, triangle.
In this project, I tried to design and build the "link list" with various functions necessary for implementation, with C# programming language.
In this project, I designed the heap data structure and binary search tree data structure. I also implemented Traversal functions in bst and sorting them in both data structures and functions to add nodes or remove specific nodes. I made the MaXHeap with Python language and the binary search tree with C# language.
This repository contains a dataset for predicting heart attack risks, featuring 8,763 records and 26 attributes, including demographics, health metrics, and lifestyle factors. It serves as a valuable resource for developing predictive models and exploring the impact of lifestyle choices on cardiovascular health outcomes.
AlirezaLashkar's Repositories
This repository contains a dataset for predicting heart attack risks, featuring 8,763 records and 26 attributes, including demographics, health metrics, and lifestyle factors. It serves as a valuable resource for developing predictive models and exploring the impact of lifestyle choices on cardiovascular health outcomes.
In this section, two geometric shape recognition projects have been implemented. The main goal is to recognize 3 shapes: circle, rectangle, triangle.
In this project, I designed the heap data structure and binary search tree data structure. I also implemented Traversal functions in bst and sorting them in both data structures and functions to add nodes or remove specific nodes. I made the MaXHeap with Python language and the binary search tree with C# language.
In this project, I tried to design and build the "link list" with various functions necessary for implementation, with C# programming language.