Heaps are used in many famous algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path, the heap sort sorting algorithm, implementing priority queues, and more.
Here we built MaxHeap and implemented the following important functions:
1- Insert Heap/ 2- Is Heap/ 3- Find Delete from Heap/ 4- Print Sorted Heap/ 5- Merge Heaps/ 6- Print kth Biggest Num In Heap/ 7- Heap to BST
BSTs are used for indexing in databases. It is used to implement searching algorithms. BSTs are used to implement Huffman coding algorithm. It is also used to implement dictionaries
Here we built Binary Search Tree and implemented the following important functions:
1- Insert TO BST/ 2- Is BST/ 3- Find & Delete from BST/ 4- Print Sorted BST/ 5- Merge BST/ 6- Print kth Biggest Num In BST/ 7- BST to heap