== SCISSORS == Overview: SCISSORS is a split-read aligner that maps orphaned read mates (i.e. where one end-mate is aligned with high mapping quality, but the other mate is unmapped), as well as re-maps severely clipped reads (reads mapped with many unaligned or “clipped-off” bases). ############ Compilation: ############ SCISSORS requires g++ and the standard C and C++ development libraries. Enter the src directory, and type "make". ############ API Example: ############ Enter the src directory, and type "make api". Enter the src/api directory, and type "make". ############################ Building Google C++ Testing: ############################ Just enter the src directory, and type "make test". ######## Authors: ######## Wan-Ping Lee <wanping.lee@bc.edu> and Jiantao Wu <jiantao.wu@bc.edu> Marth Lab. [1], Boston College License: MIT Date: 2013-03-15 References: [1] http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/marthlab/Main_Page