LaTeX source for Think Java, 1st edition, by Allen Downey and Chris Mayfield.
- 1160300425
- armenbadalYerevan
- brierjon@InteractionEcologies
- copperxNew Mexico State University
- daf78France
- danielsefPrezi
- DavidWarsawUSA
- eah13Trinket
- egeriicwETHOS Sustainability Group
- f2dmarquesPortugal
- gmachen2017Coupeville High School - Coding
- gpbonillasSanto Domingo, Ecuador
- JackDrurySydney, Australia
- JamesTaylor100USA
- JaxonDvl
- KronP
- liachum@databricks
- ljvblfz
- lunarpulse@UQ
- marcellosemedo
- mrspattillo
- muhammetsaitDen Haag
- myvoluntasBremen
- NJT145Istanbul, Turkey
- ntcho@berict, @fuhomeapp
- pedrovt@detiuaveiro - University of Aveiro, Portugal; @detiuaveiro; @nap-it;
- plgonzalezrx8Blueforce Innovations
- praveenmylavarapuInteractive Brokers LLC
- rainforest-of-code
- RJuallHackettstown, NJ
- rzchangchengMelbourne, Australia
- snowdj
- spencerbywChoice Hotels International
- thewayonly
- tommyxu97Wuhan, Hubei
- xmarcos@mercadolibre