
Sweeps that fail qc are incorrectly recorded in LIMS with the state "auto passed"

Opened this issue · 2 comments

There may be two issues here:

  1. Sweeps that do not meet the QC criteria are marked as "auto passed"
  2. Even though there are sweeps that passed, the cell is failed: "failed_qc": true with fail tags: ("No sweep states available", "No current clamps sweeps passed QC")

An example is the Ephys QC output.json file for ephys_roi_result 1086809673 (path below) shows the cell failing ephys qc ("failed_qc": true) with fail tags: ["No sweep states available", "No current clamps sweeps passed QC"], but most of the sweeps are in LIMS and they are all “auto passed”.

The output.json for the previous step NWB_Stimulus_summary (path below) shows that many of the sweeps had a “leak_pa” > +/- 100 pA, except the three ramp sweeps (stimulus_code: ‘X7Ramp’, sweep_nums: 158, 159, and 160) that had a leak_pA of -99.3 pA, which I believe should pass qc, and I can’t see anything reason for them to fail.


(Based on Ephys QC Criteria v1.1)

Ephys QC Criteria v1.1

pre_noise_rms_mv_max	        0.07
post_noise_rms_mv_max	        0.07
slow_noise_rms_mv_max	        0.5
vm_delta_mv_max	                1
seal_gohm_min	                1
blowout_mv_min	              -10
blowout_mv_max	               10
electrode_0_pa_min	     -200
electrode_0_pa_max	      200
access_resistance_mohm_min	1
access_resistance_mohm_max     20
input_vs_access_resistance_min	0.15
leak_pa_max	              100
leak_pa_min	             -100

For the experiment above, the ramps failed because those sweeps were tagged: "Stimulus contains NaN values".
This tag was introduced recently in PR #503 as part of handling the Nan stimulus amplitude. I think this tag is not needed for handling the underlying issue #498 and removing it should allow ramp sweeps to pass. Let's check with @MatthewAitken who added the tag.