
Display_cl function

KatMedMed opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello scrattch.hitcat team,

I am following the tutorial presented here: with the tasic2016data. However, I am having problems when plotting the heatmaps (display.result = display_cl(onestep.result$cl, norm.dat, plot=TRUE, de.param=de.param), I got the following error:

Error in is.null(Rowv) || 'length = 2' in coercion to 'logical(1)'

  1. display_cl(onestep.result$cl, norm.dat, plot = TRUE, de.param = de.param)
  2. plot_cl_heatmap(tmp.dat, cl, markers, ColSideColors = tmp.col,
    . prefix = prefix, labels = NULL, = TRUE, min.sep = min.sep,
    . main = main, height = height, width = width)
  3. heatmap.3(tmp.dat[, ord], Rowv = as.dendrogram(gene.hc), Colv = NULL,
    . col = col, trace = "none", dendrogram = "none", cexCol = cexCol,
    . cexRow = cexRow, ColSideColors = ColSideColors[, ord], breaks = breaks,
    . colsep = sep, sepcolor = "black", main = main, key = key,
    . = "none")

I was wondering if you could help me with this issue.

Thank you

I am commenting here to bring this issue some traction. I am also having the same problem and I suspect it has to do with the version of R; if the parameter plot=FALSE there is no error, and no plot. The heatmap plotting function is not compatible with anything more recent than R 4.2. Can the developers give this issue some attention and update the plotting function please?