Discord rich presence integration for all JetBrains IDEs
Pinned issues
- 0
<versions-switcher> not working
#423 opened by BR7RKR - 3
Issue on Latest Intellij IDEA
#422 opened by Kai-Denzel-Jane - 0
- 4
Detected Discord but does not display RPC
#417 opened by RadioactivePotato - 0
Dosent work in CLion 2024.1.3
#419 opened by HossamRefaat - 4
Timer restarts at 24h mark
#405 opened by gitnickolson - 4
IDE error occurred
#416 opened by Meywy - 1
RustRover not working
#414 opened by moonleay - 2
- 4
Crash on Start w/ Rider
#403 opened by ktwrd - 0
- 0
- 0
#410 opened by actuallySoheil - 0
- 1
- 1
Error when opening projects
#408 opened by GustyCube - 7
PHPStorm 2023.3.* can't load a project
#399 opened by aolko - 0
Crash on restart
#407 opened by Pandab1 - 0
Timer restarts at 24h mark
#406 opened by gitnickolson - 0
Freezes on state
#402 opened by arthurdanielyan - 0
Exception After PC Resumes from Sleep Mode
#404 opened by nicokempe - 3
IPC Error
#396 opened by joaovmundel - 3
add CLion nova support
#398 opened by TaxMachine - 9
Add support for new RustRover IDE
#375 opened by EthoIRL - 0
Discord Integration is *not* working on Writerside
#400 opened by elouannh - 5
Issues on Linux with InteliJ 2022.3
#369 opened by AzhamProdLive - 0
#395 opened by JestemIc3dd - 1
- 0
No rich presence when using Writerside
#389 opened by obfuscatedgenerated - 2
error: Unhandled exception in [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@1db3dcd4, Dispatchers.Default]
#383 opened by mzulfanw - 1
start error
#379 opened by Harrikar - 1
Random error: Unhandled exception in [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@936b01b, Dispatchers.Default]
#381 opened by luimen6 - 1
Unhandled exception in [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@2594ae2c, Dispatchers.Default]
#384 opened by AndreyGP - 1
Unhandled exception in [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@363a099e, Dispatchers.Default]
#385 opened by StellarHarbour - 4
Ability to use project name as Application name
#387 opened by Ashark - 2
- 2
[Suggest] Add Support RustRover
#380 opened by thedtvn - 0
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property randomAccessFile has not been initialized
#382 opened by AndreyGP - 4
Error en starting
#376 opened by fuzeblocks - 1
Exception error 1.11.0
#371 opened by VizardAlpha - 1
Error on start
#378 opened by zkita - 0
Unhandled exception in [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@4218327b, Dispatchers.Default]
#377 opened by MohsenShahbazi - 0
"Unhandled exception" error on startup
#374 opened by nitrodynamite18 - 0
Exception when Windows PC falls asleep
#373 opened by mldchan - 9
CLion 2023.2.1 Error
#372 opened by edgarcnp - 1
stacktrace.txt "crash" stops the RPC display
#367 opened by Marcos0230 - 2
Error on startup when Discord isn't launched
#363 opened by 10YAR - 3
Compatibility with 2023.2
#365 opened by samip5 - 0
Error pauses RPC after some time
#366 opened by FooterManDev - 0