
Surface 3D reconstruction of Point cloud

guoyan1991 opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello, could you tell me what is the method of converting point cloud into topology when calculating voxel IoU?

@guoyan1991 I'm not sure entirely sure about that part. @brotherhuang, could you please describe the method here more clearly?

@guoyan1991 hello ,did you make it?(3D reconstruction)

@Amir-Arsalan Hi, I want achieve Visualization in 3D,but
when I do this below:
th 4_1_visualization.lua
-inputDir 'xxxx/testExp/experiments/reconstruction/test/airplane/model1VP14-airplane'
-outputDir 'xxxx'
-experiment 'reconstruction'
-onlyOneCat 1

then show:
==> Projecting back the generated depth maps to obtain final point cloud representation for the category: airplane
==> Done with getting 3D reconstruction for airplane. No of samples: 1. Time took: 0.0 minutes
==> Done with creating all 3D reconstructions. No of total samples: 1. Total time: 0.1 minutes

but ,finally,there is nothing in the output folder

I hope you can guide me through this problem

@TigerWj I have the same question as yours, how did you solve it?

@TigerWj @hualalala7458 The Lua code might have some issues that I did not notice. Instead, you can compile the 3D reconstruction code and call the built executable to get the reconstructions.