
A RenderMan plugin for speeding up aov creation inside Katana

Primary LanguagePython

PrmanAOVs - RenderMan for Katana

A RenderMan plugin for speeding up aov creation inside Katana.

A quick intro to PrmanAOVs


You can copy and paste "SuperTools" folder anywhere in your hard drive, the root path where "SuperTools" folder lives should be added to "KATANA_RESOURCES" environment variable.

Here is an example of where "SuperTools" folder lives and what "KATANA_RESOURCES" env variable should be look like:

  • linux: /home/user/plugins/SuperTools/PrmanAOVs

  • export KATANA_RESOURCES=$KATANA_RESOURCES:/home/user/plugins

  • windows: C:\plugins\SuperTools\PrmanAOVs



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