This repository contains additional matrials for the following preprint:
Micom: metagenome-scale modeling to infer metabolic interactions in the microbiota.
Christian Diener and Osbaldo Resendis-Antonio
All scripts are provided as Python 3 code. libraries required to reproduce figures and data processing csan be installed using the provided requirements file:
pip install --user -r requirements.txt
See each subfolder for detailed desription of contained files.
Scripts to reproduce the figures in the publication.
Intermediate results required for figures.
Long running parallel analyses that produce the results provided in the
previous folder.
Reads the genus-level abundances and combines them with the AGORA models
for each genus.
Output: genera.csv
Counts the fraction of reads assigned to each taxonomic rank and the fraction
of reads that has at least one represenative in the AGORA models.
Output: a text table
recent.csv Provides a list of samples and the corresponding SRA abundances.