
Classify Heart Attack dataset using 3+ ML models and perform Exploratory Data Analysis for insights. Preprocess data, apply majority voting for final prediction, aim for accuracy & F-score over 65%. Use Numpy, Pandas, Sklearn, Matplotlib. Final report & insights on methodology & results expected. Run code in Jupyter Notebook.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Heart Attack Prediction

This project aims to perform a classification on the provided dataset of Heart Attack prediction. The goal is to preprocess the dataset, apply more than 3 machine learning algorithms, perform exploratory data analysis, and achieve an accuracy and F-score of more than 65%.

Libraries used:

  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Sklearn
  • Matplotlib

Running the Jupiter File

  • The code is implemented using Jupyter Notebook.
  • Make sure you have Jupyter Notebook installed and running in your system.
  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Open the Jupyter Notebook file (Heart_Attack_Prediction) and run the cells to see the output.


  • Load the dataset into a pandas DataFrame
  • Check for missing values and handle them appropriately (drop, fill, etc.)
  • Convert categorical variables into numeric using one-hot encoding or label encoding
  • Normalize/standardize the numeric variables if needed
  • Split the dataset into training and testing sets

Machine Learning

  • Train and test more than three different machine learning models (e.g. Logistic Regression, KNN, Random Forest, SVM, etc.)
  • Evaluate the performance of each model using metrics like accuracy, f-score, precision, recall, etc.
  • Implement the majority voting concept by taking predicted labels from all classifiers and assigning the final label based on the majority vote

Exploratory Data Analysis

  • Plot various graphs to understand the data insights (e.g. histograms, scatter plots, box plots, etc.)
  • Check for correlations between variables and the target label
  • Check for class distribution


  • Report the final accuracy, f-score, and other performance metrics of the majority voting model
  • Compare the performance of all models and provide insights on why one performed better than the others
  • Discuss the insights gained from Exploratory Data Analysis