AndreC10002's Stars
MISP (core software) - Open Source Threat Intelligence and Sharing Platform
:closed_lock_with_key: multi factor authentication system (2FA, MFA, OTP Server)
30 different honeypots in one package! (dhcp, dns, elastic, ftp, http proxy, https proxy, http, https, imap, ipp, irc, ldap, memcache, mssql, mysql, ntp, oracle, pjl, pop3, postgres, rdp, redis, sip, smb, smtp, snmp, socks5, ssh, telnet, vnc)
Standard collection of rules for capa: the tool for enumerating the capabilities of programs
Taranis NG is an OSINT gathering and analysis tool for CSIRT teams and organisations. It allows team-to-team collaboration, and contains a user portal for simple self asset management. Taranis NG was developed by SK-CERT with a help from wide CSIRT community.
Identify the technologies used on websites. (Dig-deep into web tech from your terminal)
Helper script to easily restore files on S3 with Glacier storage class.
A new Cyber Threat Intelligence Capability Maturity Model (CTI-CMM) to empower your team and create lasting value. Inspired by Industry Needs, developed by those in trenches.