Project Link
Master Degree in Data Science and Economics
It requires Python 3.7
Install the required python libraries:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Starting the app:
$ python runserver
The aim of the project is the the developing of different models for predicting the emotions intext lyrics. These models have been used to exploit a correlation between different genres and emotions. In particular, a random algorithm playlist suggestion based on genre and emotion has been created. Moreover, a simple web application has been developed for the deploying ofthe work. The considered data is the WASSA-2017 Shared Task on Emotion Intensity (EmoInt)dataset. It comprehends a series of Tweet from Twitter social network where are provided for fouremotions: joy, sadness, fear, and anger. A comparison of the predictions of different models havebeen made: Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Multi-layer Perceptron classifier and differentNeural Networks architectures. An inspection of the different predictions from the models havebeen done and different results have been obtained.The web application backend has been developed using Django Python library and the frontedusing HTML, Javascript and AJAX languages.
The final project consists in the preparation of a short study on one of the topics of the course, identifying a precise research question and measurable objectives. The project will propose a methodology for solving the research question and provide an experimental verification of the results obtained according to results evaluation metrics. The emphasis is not on obtaining high performance but rather on the critical discussion of the results obtained in order to understand the potential effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
The results must be documented in a short article of not less than 4 pages and no more than 8, composed according to the guidelines available here: guidelines and using the corresponding LaTeX or MS Word templates. Students have also to provide access to a GitHub repository containing the code and reproducible experimental results.
Provides an overview of the project and a short dicsussion on the pertinent literature
Research question and methodology
Provides a clear statement on the goals of the projec, an overview of the proposed approach, and a formal definition of the problem
Experimental results
Provides an overview of the dataset used for experiments, the metrics used for evaluating performances, and the experimental methodology. Presents experimental results as plots and/or tables
Concluding remarks
Provides a critical discussion on the experimental results and some ideas for future work