This repo was a short term project for CSCI 4511W (Artificial Intelligence) that uses a custom implementation of Pac-Man to compare different pathfinding algorithms. The basic Pac-Man game was written in Python 3 and utilizes non-standard libraries PIL (python imaging library) and pygame. Pathfinding algorithms are used to navigate Ghosts towards the Pac-Man sprite, where each ghost represents the use of a different search algorithm.
- since this program uses pygame and PIL you will need to make sure those are installed on your machine first.
- This can be done using the pip install command: pip install pygame pip install PIL
- Additional information on installing pygame can be found here:
- Note that this game was solely created to test out different pathfinding algorithms.
- The overall goal was to provide evidence that incomplete real-time pathfinding algorithms can perform more efficiently and to the same degree of accuracy as complete algorithms when tuned correctly to a finite state-space.
- The algorithms used in the small project are Breadth First Search, A*, and Context Dependent Subgoaling A*.
- The full project report that include results of comparing our different pathfinding algorithms can be found in the file called "Full-Project-Report.pdf"