
Kivy Examples that will build for Android.

2023-11-13 This repository is archived.

Example, noun

  • one that serves as a pattern to be imitated or not to be imitated
  • a parallel or closely similar case especially when serving as a precedent or model

Each repository (other than the Users Guide) contains a stand alone runnable example. All examples run on Android, most on a desktop, and a few on iOS.

A buildozer.spec is included or the required modifications to buildozer.spec are documented.

An unofficial Users' Guide.

Cloud Storage Examples


Depends on firestore4kivy. Runs on desktop, Android, and iOS.

Depends on Pyrebase4. Runs on desktop, and Android.

Depends on firebase-admin. Firebase-admin is a security risk if available to un-trusted users. Runs on desktop, and Android.

BroadcastReceiver Examples


Speech Examples

Transcribe and copy to clipboard.

Record from microphone and play back.

Camera Examples

A Camera4Kivy Preview widget example. Illustrates basic layout orientation, aspect ratio, and letterbox handling, on multiple screens. Basic camera functionality including photo capture, screenshot capture, and on Android capture of video with audio.

A Camera4Kivy Preview widget example. Everything you need to read a restaurant menu. Long press or double click on a highlighted QR code to open a web browser. Illustrates basic analysis, screen annotation, and user interaction.

A Camera4Kivy Preview widget example. Edge detect the video stream. Illustrates using OpenCV analysis and replacing the original preview with the transformed image.

A Camera4Kivy Preview widget example. Face detect, MLKit is Android only. Illustrates using the ImageProxy api.

A Camera4Kivy Preview widget example. Object classification. Illustrates using a large Tensorflow Lite model, and writing text to the Preview image. Does not (yet?) run on Android.

Service Examples

A persistent ("sticky foreground") stateful service, it also queries the Mediastore.

Schedule tasks on one or more Android services, foreground or background.

Common Getsures Example

Pan, zoom, long press, and friends. Using gestures4kivy.

Shared Storage Examples

Copy to and from shared storage on Android 5 and above devices, using androidstorage4kivy.

Share a file or plain text with another app, using androidstorage4kivy.

Recieve a Share from another app, using androidstorage4kivy.

Viewer Examples

Accepts https:// and file:// urls. Full screen, dismiss with back gesture or back button.

Accepts .pdf files. Full screen, dismiss with back gesture or back button.