
A list of published papers/open source codes/useful and interesting projects for Depth Estimation and other related fields.

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This is a list of published papers/open source codes/useful and interesting projects for Depth Estimation and other related fields.

The papers are categorized by paper types, number of cameras/views, camera type etc. The subjects include survey/review papers, depth/stereo based on different number of views(monocular, binocular and multiple), depth estiamtion for omnidirectional cameras, mainstream datasets and other related fields(camera calibration, depth fusion, depth completion).

The list of each subject can be found by clicking on the corresponding link below.



The lists show the Title, name of journal/conference and the year of publication for each paper. For those papers where the original text or the source code can be found, we have presented the corresponding links, click on the “paper” or “code” behind the article information to view it.