R package with sourced, original, and wrappers to recurrent functions I like and find recurrently useful.
You can install the development version from GitHub typing in the following commands in the R console:
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE))
- check_figs(): Make a table of figures in ‘figs’ dir, generated in .R scripts and plot in .Rmd scripts
- ggBoxplot(): Shortcut for a ggplot2 boxplot
- intervalHeatmap(): Heatmap over 3 dimensions. It divides a vector over a set number of intervals over two dimensions. Useful to understand how values distribute across 2 dimensions.
- lsos(): Improved list of objects. List the ten biggest objects in the global environment by default.
- multiplot(): An alternative to plot several plots, but it does not work to save to file.
- rmTmp(): Remove all objects in the global environment that start with ‘tmp’.