This is a repository where I make experiments with custom resources in Godot. Hope you may find it informative and useful
- AD1337
- alfredbaudisch@Farmbackup @shapehq
- binarysafari
- boruokxenosoftware
- coppolaemilio@godotengine
- cybrandir
- DaelonSuzuka
- egel557
- farfalk
- feremabrazPortugal
- fire@V-Sekai
- Flavelius
- geowarinFreelancer
- Gnumaru
- hroaldr
- IAmCheeseman~/
- INeedAUniqueUsernamethe company of my thoughts
- jefersonbelmiroPorto Alegre
- Juna-Idler日本
- lectinua
- otaviosoatoGlitch Factory
- ppiecuchKomsoft Oprogramowanie
- rblopesRio de Janeiro, RJ, BR
- rickdoesdevMelbourne, AU
- ruudschouten
- saierXP
- snougo
- spiklyUnited Kingdom
- strzleeJausentest
- teccheckGermany
- TheOrioliKikimora Games
- TheylokAustria
- ThisNekoGuy
- tylerjphillips
- XCompWiz
- Zireael07