Gymshark Clone - BACKEND

To check out the whole project, also clone and run the frontend part of the project on this link Gymshark Clone - FRONTEND

A fitness wear website cloning project by Team Sharks

Team Members


To run this project. On backend terminal perform:

  npm start

On frontend terminal perform:

  Open index.html with live server

🛠 Tech Stack

  • Html
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • Mongoose
  • NPM - Dotenv, jsonwebtoken , bcryptjs
  • Local storage


  • Login/Signup
  • Authentication
  • Admin page to add and delete product
  • Add to cart
  • Payment Page with Discount Functionality
  • Search option to Search for product
  • Checkout

Website flow for User

  • Home page

  • log in / sign up page

  • Category page

  • search page

  • Product page(List of all products)

  • Single product page

  • Cart page

  • Address page

  • Payment page , One Time Password verification page.

On address page use promo code - masai30

  • you will get 30% discount

Hard Coded Card details for payment section

  • Card Number - 1111 2222 3333 4444
  • CVV No - 1234
  • Expiry - 12/22
  • Payment OTP - 1234

Thank you note

Thank you all who is giving precious time to visit our little creative project which is made with lot of efforts.