
A clone of gymshark website by Team Sharks ( A team of 6 members ). This is the front end part repository. For backend part repository take a look at this repository https://github.com/Aniket-Pilankar/Gymshark-BACKEND-Unit-4

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gymshark Clone - FRONTEND

To check out the whole project, also clone and run the backend part of the project on this link: Gymshark Clone - BACKEND

A fitness wear website cloning project by Team Sharks

Home page


Women Section page


Men Section page


Cart Page


Shipping Address Page


Payment Page


Team Members


To run this project. In backend terminal perform:

  npm start

On frontend terminal perform:

  Open index.html with live server

🛠 Tech Stack

  • Html
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • Mongoose
  • NPM - Dotenv, jsonwebtoken , bcryptjs
  • Local storage


  • Login/Signup
  • Authentication
  • Admin page to add and delete product
  • Add to cart
  • Payment Page with Discount Functionality
  • Search option to Search for product
  • Checkout

Website flow for User

  • Home page

  • log in / sign up page

  • Category page

  • search page

  • Product page(List of all products)

  • Single product page

  • Cart page

  • Address page

  • Payment page , One Time Password verification page.

On address page use promo code - masai30

  • you will get 30% discount

Hard Coded Card details for payment section

  • Card Number - 1111 2222 3333 4444
  • CVV No - 1234
  • Expiry - 12/22
  • Payment OTP - 1234

Thank you note

Thank you all who is giving precious time to visit our little creative project which is made with lot of efforts.