
Add builder creation to extension methods

RomanPlotnikov opened this issue · 2 comments

It will probably be more intuitive and beautiful if the static class is hidden in the extension method as in DOTween.
Example: transform.CreateMotion(transform.position, (Vector3.forward * 10.0F), 1.0F).BindToPosition();

	public static class ObjectExtensions
		public static (TObject SystemObject, MotionBuilder<Vector3, NoOptions, Vector3MotionAdapter> MotionBuilder) CreateMotion<TObject>(this TObject systemObject, Vector3 startValue, Vector3 endValue, Single duration)
			return (systemObject, LMotion.Create(startValue, endValue, duration));

	public static class TransformExtensions
		public static MotionHandle BindToPosition(this (Transform Transform, MotionBuilder<Vector3, NoOptions, Vector3MotionAdapter> MotionBuilder) builder)
			return builder.MotionBuilder.BindWithState(builder.Transform, ((position, transform) => transform.position = position));

LitMotion's avoidance of extension methods is intentional. This helps improve readability by avoiding naming conflicts with other libraries and unifying the entry point to LMotion.

Of course, it is possible to create extension methods on the user side, but I don't think it is necessary to include them in this library. Extension methods like BindTo-() would be sufficient.