MazeFlix is an entertainment hub where you can find the latest and your favorite TV shows. You can view the details of the show, like a show or even comment. You can also see other comments which might give you a general idea about what people think about the show. It is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript with data from the TvMaze API(tv show data) and the Involvement API(likes and comments)
- Anny85-codeFull-Stack Developer
- AnselemOdimsMicroverse Inc.
- BonkeGcoboFull-Stack Developer
- charlesgobinaCameroon
- clintonjosephsNigeria
- DeVuDeveloperRuby on Rails & React Developer
- dicodiazGlobant
- Emmyn5600Remote Full-stack Developer
- gemmen29Full-Stack Web developer
- Hombre2014XOOMMIT
- imubarak234Thermolinks Concepts Limited
- kakarrot92Serbia
- KingsleyIbeLooking for challenging opportunities
- Lucas-MasabaUganda
- MeqdamAlqudahFull-Stack Developer
- od-c0d3rLooking for the next ride!
- qwibblerFull-Stack Developer
- RayhanTabaseStudent at Microverse
- roshan-bajgainArjundhara jhapa,Nepal
- steveWDamesJrThe Bahamas
- TedLivistFull Stack Developer
- topeogunleyeMicroverse Inc
- vechicinFull-Stack Developer
- wandji20@marbleteams