
Personal Voice Assistant: Easy to change the code and making it suitable for your use

Primary LanguagePython


This is application acts as your personal assistant such as google or siri, which features in Making notes, Searching information on Wikipedia, opening youtube, google, stackoverflow, it can play music from your local directory, it can tell you the current date or time, it also has the feature to send emails. It uses the google calender api by which you will stay updated by your current events also.


Run the following command in your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/AnshGaikwad/Personal-Voice-Assistant.git


You can run the setup.py by which all the modules will be downloaded automatically by pip:

python setup.py

Or you can do it manually by executing the following commands:

pip install gtts
pip install wikipedia
pip install pyttsx3
pip install webbrowser
pip install speech_recognition
pip install pytz
pip install playsound

Calender API | Google Developers

Quick Start Guide: https://developers.google.com/calendar/quickstart/python


Run the following code in your terminal:

python main.py


  1. Make a Note
  2. Searches Wikipedia
  3. Opens any .exe file
  4. Browses local music files
  5. Send emails to other users
  6. Opens Youtube, Google, Stack Overflow
  7. Uses Google's Calender API to remind you of your current events
  8. Easy to customize the code and therefore making it useful for our own personal use
  9. It also greets you Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening or Good night depending on the current time