
There are 388 repositories under pyttsx3 topic.

  • nateshmbhat/pyttsx3

    Offline Text To Speech synthesis for python

  • GauravSingh9356/J.A.R.V.I.S

    Personal Assistant built using python libraries. It does almost anything which includes sending emails, Optical Text Recognition, Dynamic News Reporting at any time with API integration, Todo list generator, Opens any website with just a voice command, Plays Music, Wikipedia searching, Dictionary with Intelligent Sensing i.e. auto spell checking, Weather Reporting i.e. temp, wind speed, humidity, YouTube searching, Google Map searching, Youtube Downloading, etc.

  • Virtual-Personal-Assistant-using-Python


    In this project, we'll be creating a virtual personal assistant for ourselves using our favorite programming language, Python. We can perform several offline as well as online operations using the bot.

  • J.A.R.V.I.S


    A voice assistant 🗣️ which can be used to interact with your computer 💻 and controls your pc operations 🎛️

  • sksalahuddin2828/AI_Personal_Digital_Assistant

    AI Personal Voice Assistant Project (Male - Female version)

  • roshan9419/PersonalAssistantChatbot

    It is a personal assistant chatbot, capable to perform many tasks same as Google Assistant plus more extra features...

  • Umesh-01/Python-Assistant

    Python Assistant (PA) is a voice command based assistant service written in Python 3.9+. It can recognize human speech or voice, talk to user and execute basic commands.


    A true Artificial Intelligent Assistant with ALICE as backend and offline speech recognition with vosk engine and pyttsx3 as text to speech engine

  • DeepNinja07x/Python_Scripts

    It contains all the Python Programs, whether it's a GUI, basic, Data Structures, etc. It's a collection of some great Python scripts from basic to advance levels for automating some monotonous tasks.

  • potato


    Centralized AI powered voice activated virtual assistant as a Networking project

  • AnshGaikwad/Chess-World

    A simple chess game for comparing your moves with other chess engines

  • Madhur215/Chatbot-cum-voice-Assistant

    An AI chatbot with features like conversation through voice, fetching events from Google calendar, make notes, or searching a query on Google.

  • sailee14032000/vALGO

    vALGO helps students to visualize various traversal and operations performed on data structure through amazing animations.

  • Ishan7390/Jarvis_AI

    This is my attempt at building a not so much of an AI, Jarvis

  • Kushal997-das/Pyautogui-module-using-audio

    📌 This repo is all about how we implemented pyttsx3,speech_recognition,colored all three modules with pyautogui module.

  • tridibsamanta/WhatsAppChatBot

    WhatsApp Chatting System Automation using Python

  • Python-Voice-Assistant-Virtual-Slave


    This voice assistant is buit in VS Code. It has an ability to understand human speech, process it and provide relevant, requested output to the user. When the user speaks out any appropriate trigger words, the virtual assistant gets activated to serve the user's command.

  • magnusjwatson2786/SRT-Audio

    Subtitle to Audio Converter using Pyttsx3

  • nikhilkumarsingh/PDF_AUDIO_READER

    A simple and offline PDF audio reader

  • shreyamalogi/ZAC-the-AI-Assistant

    ZAC: Your robotic virtual assistant - Enhancing human-machine interaction and automation through voice recognition and web scraping.

  • thevickypedia/py3-tts

    Offline Text To Speech library for python

  • Akul-AI/rlvoice-1

    An offline TTS engine for AkulAI and more.

  • thenithinbalaji/September-Assistant

    September - an open source voice assistant for Windows. Uses Tkinter, Google Speech Recognition and Wolfram Alpha Engine.

  • personal_assistant


    🎙️ A vocal assistant that performs other tasks than simply talk, using Text-to-Speech and Speech-To-text.

  • SelimHorri/txt-to-speech-funny-random-jokes

    Consume random jokes APIs and make them as a speech

  • ggegoge/PyTDM

    Pytońska treść do mowy – Polish Text to Speech library for Python

  • Shubh2-0/EchoCharm

    Welcome to EchoCharm! This repository houses a dynamic text-to-speech application that empowers your words with expressive voices. Whether it's accessibility or creative exploration, EchoCharm transforms text into captivating sound. Dive into the realm of auditory expression today! 🌟🗣️

  • vibhasdutta/PC-ASSISTANT

    A voice-operated PC assistant for Windows , enabling hands-free control for tasks like opening applications, browsing the web, and more. Improve productivity and streamline daily tasks with this easy-to-use assistant.

  • AnshGaikwad/Personal-Voice-Assistant

    Personal Voice Assistant: Easy to change the code and making it suitable for your use

  • ashraf-minhaj/TotLa-a-Talking-Robot-in-Python

    A fully functional Talking robot which can Listen, Decide and talk back.

  • 01-SayantanI/Assistant

    This Python Voice Assistant with GUI uses Tkinter to enable users to interact through voice commands. It performs tasks like Wikipedia searches,google searches, YouTube music playback, website opening, providing a fun and interactive voice-based experience.

  • Ananya-0306/Jarvis-desktop-assistant

    This is the New Jarvis AI Project it will do some functionality followed by user query.

  • qwertypool/Python-Personal-Desktop-Assistant

    A personal assistant which automate your tasks such as search videos in YouTube and play them, send emails, open websites, search materials in Wikipedia and read them,inform weather forecast in your country,jell jokes, greetings and more.

  • SamarpanCoder2002/Crazy-Multi-Functional-Textpad

    This is a new project about Crazy Textpad..... It's an updated version of a notepad and it has some awesome features to work with happiness.... Please read the file of this project to know more about it.....

  • giribabu22/assistant-Nikki-python

    i developed this assistant using speech-recognition, selenium, beautiful-soup and web-driver , ''' this is my personal assistant name is Nikki if you want to use it there is some rule 1) if you want time or weather you need to say 'Nikki time in city name or country name' Ex : Nikki time in India Nikki weather in city name or country name Ex Nikki weather in Russia 2) if you want any person,company,ngo and anything,you need to say 'who is person name' Ex : who is ram 3) if you want ask Nikki personal questions you can like how are you, what about you,Nikki what are you doing 4) if you want to search any to more you need to say 'Nikki search' and what you want to search Ex : Nikki search 2+2 how much and it will open your browser and it will search for you , 5) if you say Nikki open instagram it will open the browser and it will open instagram for you ^ this is my total python learning skills this is my personal assistant name is Nikki

  • ywkim/iris

    A voice assistant that can recognize and respond to user’s voice commands using Porcupine, Whisper, pyttsx4, OpenAI GPT, and LangChain.
