Empirical Study on Tree-based Speculative Decoding

Environment Setup

To set up the environment for this project, please follow the steps below. The commands will install the required dependencies, including specific versions of PyTorch, Transformers, and other libraries.


  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • CUDA 12.1 for GPU acceleration (recommended)

Installation Steps

  1. Install PyTorch and related libraries

    First, install PyTorch, Torchvision, and Torchaudio with CUDA support using the following command:

    pip install torch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
  2. Install other dependencies

    Install the required libraries for Transformers, Accelerate, Datasets, and others:

    pip install transformers==4.36.2
    pip install accelerate==0.26.1
    pip install datasets==2.16.1
    pip install einops
    pip install protobuf
    pip install sentencepiece
    pip install typing-extensions

Running Experiments

Use the following commands to run various experiments with different models and datasets. Make sure to adjust the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES according to your GPU availability.
  1. Static Tree Method

    Running Greedy Speculative Decoding with JackFram/llama-68m on CNN Dataset

    Command Examples

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 python test_greedyS.py \
        --model JackFram/llama-68m \
        --target meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf \
        --T 0.6 \
        --P 0.9 \
        --start 0 \
        --end 200 \
        --Mode greedy \
        --M 1024 \
        --growmap ./growmaps/68m_7b-64.pt \
        --dataset cnn

    Running Greedy Speculative Decoding with OpenWebText Dataset, dataset you can choose others like openwebtext

  2. Common-Sense Token Verfication

    Running Greedy Speculative Decoding with Common-Sense Token Verfication on CNN Dataset, it is cool let's try it! It can improve the average acceptance length from about 0.3 to 0.5

    Command Examples

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 python test_greedyS_commonsense.py \
        --model JackFram/llama-68m \
        --target meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf \
        --T 0.6 \
        --P 0.9 \
        --start 0 \
        --end 200 \
        --Mode greedy \
        --M 1024 \
        --growmap ./growmaps/68m_7b-64.pt \
        --dataset cnn
  3. Dynamic-Tree Algorithm

    It is faster than static tree, especially when temperature is high.

    Command Examples

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 python test_greedyS_dy.py \
        --model JackFram/llama-68m \
        --target meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf \
        --T 0.6 \
        --P 0.9 \
        --start 0 \
        --end 200 \
        --Mode greedy \
        --M 1024 \
        --growmap ./growmaps/68m_7b-64.pt \
        --dataset cnn
  4. Run kl Divergency test in advance

    We perform a method to test draft model potential in advance using KL Divergency.

    Command Examples

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 python test_greedyS_logit.py \
        --model JackFram/llama-68m \
        --target meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf \
        --T 0.6 \
        --P 0.9 \
        --start 0 \
        --end 3500 \
        --Mode baseline \
        --M 1024 \
        --growmap ./growmaps/68m_7b-64.pt \
        --dataset openwebtext

    After running it, you can get a potential score, for the same dataset small score means a strong draft model.

  5. Spec-LLava

    We perform a method to acclerate llava

    First, you can try our draft llava model, which very similar to llava original model, llava-160m and llava-68m, their peformance is good, can be used in some small model scenes, like robotics, driving!

    Command Examples

    processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("anthonycmu/llava-1.5-160m")
    processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("anthonycmu/llava-1.5-68m")

    Next, you can run the following command to test llava acceleration. You need to first download coco test-2015 dataset, or other dataset, modify dataset path in 64 row of the code, which can acclerate vlm in a good performance!

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 python test_llava.py \
        --model anthonycmu/llava-1.5-160m\
        --target llava-hf/llava-1.5-7b-hf\
        --T 0.6 \
        --P 0.9 \
        --start 0 \
        --end 3500 \
        --Mode greedy \
        --M 1024 \
        --growmap ./growmaps/68m_7b-64.pt \
        --dataset openwebtext
  6. Finetune or Pretrain your own Draft Model

    Let's pretrain your own draft model:

    Command Examples

    python pretrain_draft_model.py 

    Next, you can use your own draft model by direct use its local path like './outputs/checkpoint-500/' or push it to huggingface.