
Haploidy and Size Completeness Estimation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Haploidy using Python.

Easy haploidy estimation.

DOI MIT License PyPI version

1. General

This tool assesses the haploidy H of a given assembly. H is defined as the fraction of the bases of the genome that are in the collapsed peak C. This metrics is calculated as H=C/(C+U/2), where C is the size (area) of the collapsed peak and U the size of the uncollapsed peak in the per-base coverage histogram of the assembly.

For more information, see: Overcoming uncollapsed haplotypes in long-read assemblies of non-model organisms, Nadège Guiglielmoni, Antoine Houtain, Alessandro Derzelle, Karine Van Doninck, Jean-François Flot, BMC Bioinformatics 22:303, doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-021-04118-3


  • sambamba
  • scipy
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • matplotlib


  1. Install requirements:
# Install dependencies in a virtual environment (conda or virtualenv)
$ conda create -n happy-env pip numpy pandas scipy matplotlib docopt sambamba
$ conda activate happy-env
  1. Install HapPy
  • Using pip (previous version)
$ pip install happy-AntoineHo==0.2.1rc0
$ happy --help
  • Using git (current version)
$ git clone https://github.com/AntoineHo/HapPy.git
$ python /path/to/happy/Hap.py --help

2. Main module


$ python Hap.py -h
usage: Hap.py [-h] {coverage,estimate} ...

Estimate assembly haploidy based on base depth of coverage histogram.

positional arguments:
    coverage            Compute coverage histogram for mapping file.
    estimate            Compute haploidy from coverage histogram.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

3. Module coverage

This module runs sambamba on a read alignment file then reads the output depth file to obtain a coverage histogram.


$ python Hap.py coverage -h
usage: Hap.py coverage [-h] [-t THREADS] [-d OUTDIR] MAP

positional arguments:
  MAP            <FILE> Sorted BAM file after mapping reads to the assembly.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -t, --threads  <INT> Number of parallel threads allocated for sambamba. Default: 1
  -d, --outdir   <DIR> Path where the .cov and .hist files are written. Default: 'out'

4. Module estimate

Takes the .hist output file of module coverage and outputs metrics in a text file and optionnally as a graph. The size is provided with a value and a unit, ex: G for Gigabases, M for Megabases.


$ python Hap.py estimate -h
usage: Hap.py estimate [-h] -s SIZE -o OUTSTATS [-m MIN_PEAK] [-p PROMINENCE]
                       [-vh VALLEY_HEIGHT] [-vp VALLEY_PROMINENCE] [-w WINDOW]
                       [-ll LIMIT_LOW] [-ld LIMIT_DIPLOID] [-lh LIMIT_HIGH]
                       [--plot] [--debug] [--no-smooth]

positional arguments:
  COV                   <FILE> Coverage histogram file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help               show this help message and exit
  -s, --size               <STRING> Estimated haploid genome size. (Recognized modifiers: K,M,G).
  -o, --outstats           <FILE> Path where haploidy value is written.
  -m, --min-peak           <INT> Minimum peak height (see SciPy doc). Default: 15000
  -p, --prominence         <INT> Minimum peak prominence (see SciPy docs). Default: 10000
  -vh, --valley-height     <INT> Minimum valley height (abs). Default: 15000
  -vp, --valley-prominence <INT> Minimum valley prominence (abs). Default: 10000
  -w, --window             <INT> Window length to use in savgol filter. Default: 41
  -ll, --limit-low         <INT> Lower threshold of coverage (lower than diploid peak). Default: auto.
  -ld, --limit-diploid     <INT> Middle threshold of coverage (between diploid and haploid peaks). Default: auto.
  -lh, --limit-high        <INT> Upper threshold of coverage (higher than haploid peak). Default: auto.
  --plot                   Generate histogram plot. Default: False
  --debug                  Generate more informative plots to debug. Default: False
  --no-smooth              Skip the smoothing step. Default: False

5. Example

Here is an example on how to use HapPy. HapPy requires a sorted BAM file as input. Here the PacBio long reads are mapped to the assembly with minimap2, and the output is sorted with samtools. The sorted BAM file is also indexed with samtools. The module depth computes the coverage histogram from the BAM file, and the module then estimates the haploidy metrics H. Here the max x value for the contaminant peak is set to 35, the max x value for the diploid peak is set to 120, and the size is set to 102 Mb.

# Align pacbio long reads on the assembly
$ minimap2 -ax map-pb assembly.fasta.gz pacbio_reads.fasta.gz --secondary=no | \
  samtools sort -o mapping_LR.map-pb.bam -T tmp.ali

# Index output BAM file
$ samtools index mapping_LR.map-pb.bam

# Obtain coverage histogram with sambamba
$ happy coverage -d happy_output mapping_LR.map-pb.bam

# Estimate Haploidy (manually input peak limits)
$ happy estimate --limit-low 35 --limit-diploid 120 --limit-high 200 -S 102M \
  -o happy_stats --plot happy_output/mapping_LR.map-pb.bam.hist
# Estimate Haploidy (try to detect peaks and limits automatically)
$ happy estimate -S 102M -p happy_stats --plot happy_output/mapping_LR.map-pb.bam.hist