
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


(All further work is being done in private repository, which will be made public as soon as project reaches completion milestone)

NOTE: Reach out on email anvesh.s.som@gmail.com for access to private repository.


Morla is an autonomous differential drive robot inspired from the popular robotics platform, turtlebot. While turtlebot being a fairly robust robotic platform, not everyone can afford it, hence morla is designed to be a plug, play & tweak platform to run most of the popular algorithms related to robot control, perception and navigation, while being cheaper than it's original inspiration.

Its main processing unit is a Raspberry Pi 4 B running Ubuntu 18.04 and the ROS 1 (ROS Melodic) middleware, while containing variety of sensors ranging from LIDAR to inertial and visual sensors, to serve as a true learning platform. This respository contains ROS driver packages, ROS Control Hardware Interface for the real robot and configurations for simulating Morla.

Morla Isometric View Morla Side View
Running teleoperation with rosserial SLAM using Google Cartographer(Partial)