- 0
- 1
Share the model checkpoints?
#32 opened by chintan-desynova - 2
Meaning of -1 for scene boundary label
#23 opened by JonghwanMun - 0
What means some parameters in the config file
#31 opened by MrCorsair3 - 0
How to extract place, action, audio, cast features using the pre-trained models provided
#30 opened by spaul13 - 10
Config file
#7 opened by miaoqiz - 2
Encountered an Error Running the Default Demo
#24 opened by yrf1 - 1
How to solve NoneType error when running demo
#27 opened by braveapple - 0
image50 vs place
#29 opened by nationalflag - 0
- 1
Low AP score on BBC dataset
#21 opened by Bonnie970 - 4
Evaluation Metrics
#26 opened by ArtemisiaW - 1
Where is the global optimization part of LGSS?
#20 opened by ladderway - 1
- 1
Syntax error in pre/place/
#17 opened by Kartik33 - 1
Clarification on how data is obtained
#16 opened by humzaiqbal - 0
movienet-tools extract action feature dims 2048 ,while google cloud provide movienet dataset action feature is 512
#25 opened by f18298335152h - 0
How to get the 150 videos
#22 opened by YuanLiuuuuuu - 19
- 2
issue of transfer learning: train on the given labeled data and evaluated the model on the other set
#6 opened by jdongca2003 - 1
Availability of MovieScenes Dataset
#18 opened by rauswarn - 0
Dynamic programming
#15 opened by quhaohao - 0
- 1
The dimension of cast_feature using movienet-tool is defferent from yours in cast_feat.pkl
#12 opened by lmaors - 1
Missing the code of global optimal grouping?
#13 opened by lmaors - 1
Global Optimal Grouping at Movie Level
#11 opened by najmehs - 0
Model is missing
#10 opened by Spectra456 - 2
pytube issue
#8 opened by miaoqiz - 2
- 0
- 6
- 1
- 1
'image18_demo' model missing
#2 opened by albertaparicio