
[Error building for IOS] The signature of “AppsFlyer.xcframework” cannot be verified.

ChristopheChevallier opened this issue · 1 comments


I was using appsflyer without problems previously but had to change laptop and switch to the latest version of xcode and I now can't compile my app anymore.

I'm getting the error below:
/myAppPath/Frameworks/Plugins/iOS/AppsFlyer.xcframework:1:1 The signature of “AppsFlyer.xcframework” cannot be verified.
When I click on the error, I get attached pop up

Is there anything that needs to be done on your end for the xcframework to be validated or is it something I need to do?

Unity version: 2022.3.37
Xcode version: 16.0
Appsflyer version: 6.14.4 (but also tried the latest version and ran into the same issue)



After checking with AppsFlyer support I just had to remove and reimport appsflyer from my project for things to come back in order.
I guess some files were pointing to the wrong folder where they were on my old pc.
