- 0
Naming convention
#311 opened by ilterbilguven - 2
"Deep Link not found" on iOS during deferred deep linking (works fine on Android)
#305 opened by romansakun - 1
[Error building for IOS] The signature of “AppsFlyer.xcframework” cannot be verified.
#309 opened by ChristopheChevallier - 6
'AppsFlyerLib.h' file not found
#297 opened by khrchvnkv - 4
Tests meta file
#294 opened by NordlightPer - 2
- 1
unity none namesplace AppsFlyerLib in AppsFlyerWindows
#301 opened by ZheMu9 - 2
Question about ios swizzling
#281 opened by vvhustle - 1
- 7
- 1
IOS downdload failed
#285 opened by AOEGame - 1
Cannot download iOS static library 6.14.3
#282 opened by LotusBourn - 2
- 1
mismatched af_sig on iOS
#265 opened by eatsports - 1
How to fix, Type com.appsflyer.AFInAppEventParameterName is defined multiple times
#277 opened by mizelofgod - 4
- 2
- 1
AppsFlyer package json version is not matching 6.14.0 release
#274 opened by silviosav-SEGA-HARDlight - 19
Cannot build with xCode 15.3
#263 opened by IoannisFMG - 1
- 2
Wrong version number in package.json
#258 opened by yerfdogj - 6
AppsFlyerLib.h missing method signature
#219 opened by FilipposKaragiannis - 2
iOS header files are included in Android buids
#250 opened by allan-o3h - 4
OnDeepLinkReceived does not work
#252 opened by dgolovin-dev - 4
AppsFlyer logo - Nice to fix.
#184 opened by Antonio-Iliev - 2
list content of lib folder
#240 opened by QM4RS - 1
AppsFlyer Integration no response.
#244 opened by sysdot - 1
Doesn't work on iOS
#241 opened by 0dd431c8 - 1
- 1
Cannot use AppsFlyer unity plugin v6.12.10 with PurchaseConnector v.1.0.1
#233 opened by SergeiEfimik - 2
cannot access protected method java.lang.Class com.appsflyer.internal.AFb1mSDK$$.loadClass
#231 opened by rehmanilyas - 1
- 1
- 1
Xcode build error: No visible @interface for 'AppsFlyerLib' declares the selector 'setPluginInfoWith:pluginVersion:additionalParams:'
#226 opened by Ned11 - 6
Apple silicon bundle, DllNotFoundException
#214 opened by dreamcodestudio - 7
- 2
In In-app purchase validation api there is no way to determinate purchase is fraud or appsflyer server error
#216 opened by okanace - 3
appsflyer-unity-plugin-6.9.4.unitypackage package.json has incorrect version 6.8.3
#209 opened by Yaski - 0
V2 token migration
#215 opened by OliverRiisager - 3
- 1
DLL Duplication Issue in UPM.
#208 opened by lsw1164 - 2
I have many crashes on android devices
#202 opened by CurtainNie - 2
move the UPM version of this SDK to its own repository so that we can choose which SDK version to integrate
#201 opened by daniel-moonactive - 2
#200 opened by GoRoX98 - 3
- 2
Returning of old error in package version 6.9.4
#205 opened by Fixer33 - 3
API docs is missing methods
#186 opened by AdriaandeJongh - 2 in two places
#193 opened by snorrsi - 1
unity ios build error: not found AppsFlyerLib
#192 opened by liu0fanyi - 1