
Deep learned, hardware-accelerated 3D object pose estimation

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Isaac ROS Pose Estimation

Install on Ubuntu 22.04

  1. Install VPI:

    sudo apt install gnupg
    sudo apt-key adv --fetch-key https://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/jetson-ota-public.asc
    sudo apt install software-properties-common
    sudo add-apt-repository 'deb https://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/x86_64/focal r35.2 main'
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install libnvvpi2 vpi2-dev vpi2-samples
    sudo apt install vpi2-demos
  2. Clone this repository and its dependencies under ~/isaac_ros_pose_estimation_ws/src.

    cd ~/isaac_ros_pose_estimation_ws/src
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_common
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_nitros
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_pose_estimation
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_dnn_inference
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_image_pipeline
    git clone https://github.com/osrf/negotiated.git

Extract the directories of negotiated directory inside ~/isaac_ros_pose_estimation_ws/src and change the package.xml inside isaac_ros_nitros. Add this 2 lines:

  1. Build the workspace.

    cd ~/isaac_ros_pose_estimation_ws
    colcon build
  2. To successfully build the repo, you need git lfs. Here is how you want to install it.

    sudo apt install git-lfs
    git lfs install
    # Fetch LFS Objects. This will download the actual large files and replace the LFS pointers with them.
    cd ~/isaac_ros_pose_estimation_ws/src/isaac_ros_nitros
    git lfs pull
    # rebuild your workspace:
    cd ~/isaac_ros_pose_estimation_ws/
    rm -rf build/isaac_ros_gxf install/isaac_ros_gxf
    colcon build --packages-select isaac_ros_gxf
  3. Initial Check: If you have installed TensorRT through dpkg previously, then you can check the installation with the following command. Otherwise, there is no definitive way to check previous installation. Run in a terminal:

dpkg -l | grep TensorRT

It should show: No such file or directory.

Binary Installation:

Go to this website: https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-tensorrt-7x-download & download "Tar File Install Packages For Linux x86". Put the file to your home directory after download. Now open a new terminal to extract TensorRT from tar file:

tar -xzvf TensorRT-
cd ~/TensorRT-

Now install TensorRT from wheel files to use python examples. If you want to use TensorRT with python 3.6 (cp36), execute the following commands one by one:

cd python 
sudo -H python3 -m pip install tensorrt-
cd ..
cd uff
sudo -H python3 -m pip install uff-0.6.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl
cd ..
cd graphsurgeon
sudo -H python3 -m pip install graphsurgeon-0.4.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
cd ~

Now, navigate to the tensorrt library directory to see the symlinks. Run the following command:

cd ~/TensorRT-TensorRT-
ls -lha libnvinfer*

You can see libnvinfer.so, libnvinfer.so.8, libnvinfer_plugin.so & libnvinfer_plugin.so.8 are symlinks. Then check whether the link directories have been successfully configured & updated in the cache from the terminal or not. In the same terminal, run:

sudo ldconfig
cd ~

You should not get any error.

Post Installation:

Just prepend ~/TensorRT-TensorRT- directory to system dynamic link libraries path list. Don't forget to save the file.

export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.7/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}
  1. Install nlohmann-json:
    sudo apt install nlohmann-json3-dev


To simplify development, we strongly recommend leveraging the Isaac ROS Dev Docker images by following these steps. This will streamline your development environment setup with the correct versions of dependencies on both Jetson and x86_64 platforms.

Note: All Isaac ROS Quickstarts, tutorials, and examples have been designed with the Isaac ROS Docker images as a prerequisite.


Warning: Step 7 must be performed on x86_64. The resultant model should be copied over to the Jetson. Also note that the process of model preparation differs significantly from the other repositories.

  1. Set up your development environment by following the instructions here.

  2. Clone this repository and its dependencies under ~/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src.

    cd ~/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_common
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_nitros
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_pose_estimation
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_dnn_inference
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_image_pipeline
  3. Pull down a ROS Bag of sample data:

    cd ~/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src/isaac_ros_pose_estimation && \
      git lfs pull -X "" -I "resources/rosbags/"
  4. Launch the Docker container using the run_dev.sh script:

    cd ~/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src/isaac_ros_common && \
  5. Make a directory to place models (inside the Docker container):

    mkdir -p /tmp/models/
  6. Select a DOPE model by visiting the DOPE model collection available on the official DOPE GitHub repository here. The model is assumed to be downloaded to ~/Downloads outside the Docker container.

    This example will use Ketchup.pth and TomatoSauce.pth, which should be downloaded into /tmp/models inside the Docker container:

    Note: this should be run outside the Docker container

    On x86_64:

    cd ~/Downloads && \
    docker cp Ketchup.pth isaac_ros_dev-x86_64-container:/tmp/models
    docker cp TomatoSauce.pth isaac_ros_dev-x86_64-container:/tmp/models
  7. Convert the PyTorch file into an ONNX file:

    Warning: this step must be performed on x86_64. The resultant model will be assumed to have been copied to the Jetson in the same output location (/tmp/models/Ketchup.onnx)

    python3 /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src/isaac_ros_pose_estimation/isaac_ros_dope/scripts/dope_converter.py --format onnx --input /tmp/models/Ketchup.pth
    python3 /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/src/isaac_ros_pose_estimation/isaac_ros_dope/scripts/dope_converter.py --format onnx --input /tmp/models/TomatoSauce.pth

    If you are planning on using Jetson, copy the generated .onnx model into the Jetson, and then copy it over into aarch64 Docker container.

    We will assume that you already performed the transfer of the model onto the Jetson in the directory ~/Downloads.

    Enter the Docker container in Jetson:


    Make a directory called /tmp/models in Jetson:

    mkdir -p /tmp/models

    Outside the container, copy the generated onnx model:

    cd ~/Downloads && \
    docker cp Ketchup.onnx isaac_ros_dev-x86_64-container:/tmp/models
    docker cp TomatoSauce.onnx isaac_ros_dev-x86_64-container:/tmp/models
  8. Inside the container, build and source the workspace:

    cd /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev && \
      colcon build --symlink-install && \
      source install/setup.bash
  9. (Optional) Run tests to verify complete and correct installation:

    colcon test --executor sequential
  10. Run the following launch files to spin up a demo of this package:

    Launch isaac_ros_dope:

    ## For Ketchup
    ros2 launch isaac_ros_dope isaac_ros_dope_tensor_rt.launch.py model_file_path:=/tmp/models/Ketchup.onnx engine_file_path:=/tmp/models/Ketchup.plan
    ## For TomatoSauce
    ros2 launch isaac_ros_dope isaac_ros_dope_tensor_rt.launch.py model_file_path:=/tmp/models/TomatoSauce.onnx engine_file_path:=/tmp/models/TomatoSauce.plan

    Then open another terminal, and enter the Docker container again:


    Then, play the ROS bag:

    ros2 bag play -l src/isaac_ros_pose_estimation/resources/rosbags/dope_rosbag/
  11. Open another terminal window and attach to the same container. You should be able to get the poses of the objects in the images through ros2 topic echo:

    In a third terminal, enter the Docker container again:

    ros2 topic echo /poses

    Note: We are echoing /poses because we remapped the original topic /dope/pose_array to poses in the launch file.

    Now visualize the pose array in rviz2:


    Then click on the Add button, select By topic and choose PoseArray under /poses. Finally, change the display to show an axes by updating Shape to be Axes, as shown in the screenshot below. Make sure to update the Fixed Frame to camera.

    Note: For best results, crop or resize input images to the same dimensions your DNN model is expecting.

Next Steps

Try More Examples

To continue your exploration, check out the following suggested examples:

Use Different Models

Click here for more information about how to use NGC models.

Alternatively, consult the DOPE or CenterPose model repositories to try other models.

Model Name Use Case
DOPE The DOPE model repository. This should be used if isaac_ros_dope is used
Centerpose The Centerpose model repository. This should be used if isaac_ros_centerpose is used

Customize your Dev Environment

To customize your development environment, reference this guide.

Package Reference



ros2 launch isaac_ros_dope isaac_ros_dope_tensor_rt.launch.py network_image_width:=<network_image_width> network_image_height:=<network_image_height>
engine_file_path:=<engine_file_path> input_tensor_names:=<input_tensor_names> input_binding_names:=<input_binding_names> input_tensor_formats:=<input_tensor_formats> output_tensor_names:=<output_tensor_names> output_binding_names:=<output_binding_names> output_tensor_formats:=<output_tensor_formats>
tensorrt_verbose:=<tensorrt_verbose> object_name:=<object_name>

Note: there is also a config file that should be modified in isaac_ros_dope/config/dope_config.yaml.

ROS Parameters

ROS Parameter Type Default Description
configuration_file string dope_config.yaml The name of the configuration file to parse. Note: The node will look for that file name under isaac_ros_dope/config
object_name string Ketchup The object class the DOPE network is detecting and the DOPE decoder is interpreting. This name should be listed in the configuration file along with its corresponding cuboid dimensions.

Configuration File

The DOPE configuration file, which can be found at isaac_ros_dope/config/dope_config.yaml may need to modified. Specifically, you will need to specify an object type in the DopeDecoderNode that is listed in the dope_config.yaml file, so the DOPE decoder node will pick the right parameters to transform the belief maps from the inference node to object poses. The dope_config.yaml file uses the camera intrinsics of Realsense by default - if you are using a different camera, you will need to modify the camera_matrix field with the new, scaled (640x480) camera intrinsics.

Note: The object_name should correspond to one of the objects listed in the DOPE configuration file, with the corresponding model used.

ROS Topics Subscribed

ROS Topic Interface Description
belief_map_array isaac_ros_tensor_list_interfaces/TensorList The tensor that represents the belief maps, which are outputs from the DOPE network.

ROS Topics Published

ROS Topic Interface Description
dope/pose_array geometry_msgs/PoseArray An array of poses of the objects detected by the DOPE network and interpreted by the DOPE decoder node.



ros2 launch isaac_ros_centerpose isaac_ros_centerpose.launch.py network_image_width:=<network_image_width> network_image_height:=<network_image_height> encoder_image_mean:=<encoder_image_mean> encoder_image_stddev:=<encoder_image_stddev>
model_repository_paths:=<model_repository_paths> max_batch_size:=<max_batch_size> input_tensor_names:=<input_tensor_names> input_binding_names:=<input_binding_names> input_tensor_formats:=<input_tensor_formats> output_tensor_names:=<output_tensor_names> output_binding_names:=<output_binding_names> output_tensor_formats:=<output_tensor_formats>

Note: there is also a config file that should be modified in isaac_ros_centerpose/config/decoders_param.yaml.

ROS Parameters

ROS Parameter Type Default Description
camera_matrix float list [616.078125, 0.0, 325.8349304199219, 0.0, 616.1030883789062, 244.4612274169922, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] A row-major array of 9 floats that represent the camera intrinsics matrix K.
original_image_size float list [640, 480] An array of two floats that represent the size of the original image passed into the image encoder. The first element needs to be width, and the second element needs to be height.
output_field_size int list [128, 128] An array of two integers that represent the size of the 2D keypoint decoding from the network output
height float 0.1 This parameter is used to scale the cuboid used for calculating the size of the objects detected.
frame_id string centerpose The frame ID that the DOPE decoder node will write to the header of its output messages
marker_color float list [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] (red) An array of 4 floats representing RGBA that will be used to define the color that will be used by RViz to visualize the marker. Each value should be between 0.0 and 1.0.

Configuration File

The default parameters for the CenterPoseDecoderNode is defined in the decoders_param.yaml file under isaac_ros_centerpose/config. The decoders_param.yaml file uses the camera intrinsics of RealSense by default - if you are using a different camera, you will need to modify the camera_matrix field.

ROS Topics Subscribed

ROS Topic Interface Description
tensor_sub isaac_ros_tensor_list_interfaces/TensorList The TensorList that contains the outputs of the CenterPose network.

ROS Topics Published

ROS Topic Interface Description
object_poses visualization_msgs/MarkerArray A MarkerArray representing the poses of objects detected by the CenterPose network and interpreted by the CenterPose decoder node.

CenterPose Network Output

The CenterPose network has 7 different outputs:

Output Name Meaning
hm Object center heatmap
wh 2D bounding box size
hps Keypoint displacements
reg Sub-pixel offset
hm_hp Keypoint heatmaps
hp_offset Sub-pixel offsets for keypoints
scale Relative cuboid dimensions

For more context and explanation, see the corresponding outputs in Figure 2 of the CenterPose paper and refer to the paper.


Isaac ROS Troubleshooting

For solutions to problems with Isaac ROS, please check here.

Deep Learning Troubleshooting

For solutions to problems with using DNN models, please check here.


Date Changes
2023-05-25 Performance improvements
2023-04-05 Source available GXF extensions
2022-06-30 Update to use NITROS for improved performance and to be compatible with JetPack 5.0.2
2022-06-30 Refactored README, updated launch file & added nvidia namespace, dropped Jetson support for CenterPose
2021-10-20 Initial update