
R version for Mac M1 chip

Primary LanguageR

sci-RegulatoryClusteringModel Mac M1 version


See R tutorial in the vignettes folder.

If you want to read more about how SiRCle works, please check out our paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.07.02.498058v1



Just install direcly in R, this will work for Windows and Mac (and probably Linux).



Note if you are running Windows you might have an issue with long paths, to fix this please you can resolve this in the registry on Windows 10 (Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Filesystem > Enable Win32 long paths). If you have a different version of Windows, just google "Long paths fix" and your Windows version.

Mac with an M1 chip (new versions 2022)

If you are using a Mac with an M1 chip please see our M1 R version of the package (https://github.com/ArianeMora/SiRCleR_M1), it only has the regulatory clustering component, you will need to use python for the VAE component because of how the chip works with tensorflow.

Other dependencies

If you are using the visualisations for the over representation analysis you will need to install the following tools (also cite them!)

CRAN packages


Biocmanager packages

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

Also while we have done our best to ensure all the dependencies are documented, if they aren't please let us know! And we will try to resolve them :)


See the vignettes folder for a proper tutorial with data included that you can run!

Making your CpGs map to a single gene version

This is only in python at the moment if you're interested in this post an issue and I'll work on adding this to the R version :)

Signature Regulatory Clustering model

The general table of how we define regulatory clusters.

Methylation RNAseq Proteomics Regulation driver_1 Regulation driver_2 Regulation_Grouping1 Regulation_Grouping2 Regulation_Grouping3
Hypermethylation DOWN DOWN Methylation increase (MDS) None MDS MDS MDS
Hypermethylation UP DOWN mRNA increase (TPDE) Protein decrease (TMDS) TPDE+TMDS TPDE+TMDS TMDS
Hypermethylation UP UP mRNA increase (TPDE) None TPDE TPDE TPDE
Hypermethylation DOWN UP Methylation increase (MDS) Protein increase (TMDE) MDS+TMDE TMDE TMDE
Hypermethylation No Change UP mRNA increase (TPDE) Protein increase (TMDE) TPDE+TMDE TMDE TMDE
Hypermethylation No Change DOWN mRNA increase (TPDE) Protein decrease (TMDS) TPDE+TMDS TMDS TMDS
Hypermethylation UP No Change mRNA increase (TPDE) Protein decrease (TMDS) TPDE+TMDS TPDE+TMDS TMDS
Hypermethylation DOWN No Change Methylation increase (MDS) Protein increase (TMDE) MDS+TMDE MDS+TMDE TMDE
Hypermethylation No Change No Change Methylation increase (ncRNA) None MDS-ncRNA MDS_ncRNA MDS_ncRNA
Hypomethylation DOWN DOWN mRNA decrease (TPDS) None TPDS TPDS TPDS
Hypomethylation UP DOWN Methylation decrease (MDE) Protein decrease (TMDS) MDE+TMDS TMDS TMDS
Hypomethylation UP UP Methylation decrease (MDE) None MDE MDE MDE
Hypomethylation DOWN UP mRNA decrease (TPDS) Protein increase (TMDE) TPDS+TMDE TPDS+TMDE TMDE
Hypomethylation No Change UP mRNA decrease (TPDS) Protein increase (TMDE) TPDS+TMDE TMDE TMDE
Hypomethylation No Change DOWN mRNA decrease (TPDS) Protein decrease (TMDS) TPDS+TMDS TMDS TMDS
Hypomethylation UP No Change Methylation decrease (MDE) Protein decrease (TMDS) MDE+TMDS MDE+TMDS TMDS
Hypomethylation DOWN No Change mRNA decrease (TPDS) Protein increase (TMDE) TPDS+TMDE TPDS+TMDE TMDE
Hypomethylation No Change No Change Methylation decrease (ncRNA) None MDE+ncRNA MDE_ncRNA MDE_ncRNA
No Change DOWN UP mRNA decrease (TPDS) Protein increase (TMDE) TPDS+TMDE TPDS+TMDE TMDE
No Change UP DOWN mRNA increase (TPDE) Protein decrease (TMDS) TPDE+TMDS TPDE+TMDS TMDS
No Change DOWN DOWN mRNA decrease (TPDS) None TPDS TPDS TPDS
No Change UP UP mRNA increase (TPDE) None TPDE TPDE TPDE
No Change No Change UP Protein increase (TMDE) None TMDE TMDE TMDE
No Change No Change DOWN Protein decrease (TMDS) None TMDS TMDS TMDS
No Change UP No Change mRNA increase (TPDE) Protein decrease (TMDS) TPDE+TMDS TPDE+TMDS TMDS
No Change DOWN No Change mRNA decrease (TPDS) Protein increase (TMDE) TPDS+TMDE TPDS+TMDE TMDE
No Change No Change No Change NoChange NoChange NoChange NoChange NoChange

Please post questions and issues related to sci-rcm on the Issues section of the GitHub repository.