
Autonomously pick red, green, and blue blocks sequentially, and place in designated zone, in the arena

Primary LanguagePython


This grand challenge will have 3x True Red blocks, 3x True Green blocks, and 3x True Blue blocks in the Grand Challenge. To receive a maximum score of 9/9, robot must successfully transport the red, green, and blue blocks to the Construction Zone in proper order. Any adversarial blocks (colors other than red, green, or blue) will count as a point deduction for each that ends up in the Construction Zone. Each block will be spaced by atleast 1 ft distance.

The project involves the key concepts:

  • Object Tracking
  • Object Retrieval
  • Monocular Camera Depth estimation
  • PID Control of the heading of the vehicle
  • Collision Avoidance
  • Localization (Odometry)

Main Sensors:

Raspberry Pi Camera, Sonar, IMU, Motor Encoders


DC Motors, Servo Motors, Gripper


Raspberry Pi, Arduino UNO

The arena top view is shown below:


Semester Long Journey Video (step by step): https://youtu.be/4WNlwtY3ymE

Snapshot view of the picked block:

Projectsnapshot (1) snapshot (2) snapshot