
Fitting contact network models to phylogenies with kernel-ABC

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


netabc is a computer program for fitting contact network models to transmission trees by kernel approximate Bayesian computation.


You need the following shared libraries.

On Ubuntu, these are all available in the repos.

sudo apt-get install libgsl0ldbl libgsl0-dev 
sudo apt-get install libjudydebian1 libjudy-dev 
sudo apt-get install libyaml-0-2 libyaml-dev
sudo apt-get install check

Optionally, to build the documentation, you need Doxygen and a LaTeX distribution like TeX Live.


If you just want to use the program, download one of the releases. The usual procedure (./configure && make && make install) should work.

If you want to build straight from the git repo, for example if you are interested in adding new network models, first clone the repository using git clone --recursive. You must use --recursive because a forked version of the igraph library has been packaged as a submodule. Then run ./autogen.sh to create the configure script, and build as usual. This requires recent versions of the autotools, flex, and bison.


Netabc requires two inputs: an estimated transmission tree, in Newick format, and a YAML file specifying your priors on the network parameters. The typical usage of netabc is as follows.

netabc -d [output file] [other options] [tree] [yaml_file]

You can type netabc -h to get a summary of all the command line options. They are described in detail in the next section. The structure of the YAML file with priors is described in the following section.

Three additional binaries are included with netabc. The first is treekernel, which computes the phylogenetic kernel of a pair of trees. The second is nettree, which simulates a phylogeny over a transmission tree in GML format. The third is treestat, which computes several summary statistics on trees. Each of these has a --help option which displays their usage.

Command line options

-t, --num-threads

Number of threads to use. Ideally you would set this to the number of cores you have available. The default is one thread, but we strongly encourage you to use multiple threads if possible.

-s, --seed

An integer to use to set the state of the random number generator. Repeated runs with the same tree and seed should produce the same results. The default is to use the current time.

-l, --decay-factor

The decay factor parameter to the tree kernel (see [@poon2013mapping]). The default is 0.3, and typical values are between 0.2 and 0.5. We encourage you to perform a preliminary analysis to find optimal kernel meta-parameters for your particular model, such as the cross-validation analysis performed in [@poon2015phylodynamic].

-g, --rbf-variance

The variance for the radial basis function used in the tree kernel (see [@poon2013mapping]). The default is 4, and typical values are between 0.5 and 8. As with the decay factor parameter, we encourage you to perform a separate analysis to find an optimal value for your problem.

-c, --nltt

If this option is passed, multiply the tree kernel by the normalized lineages-through-time (nLTT) statistic [@janzen2015approximate]. This is not done by default.

-n, --num-particles

The number of particles to use for SMC (see [@del2012adaptive]). More particles lead to a better SMC approximation, but at the expense of a linear increase in computational cost. The default is 1000, which was used by [@del2012adaptive] but leads to a fairly course approximation.

-p, --num-samples

The number of simulated trees to keep track of per particle. Again, more is better in terms of accuracy, but the complexity is linearly related. The default is 5; typical values are between 1 and 100.

-q, --quality

The coefficient of the equation which is solved to determine the next tolerance value ε. It is called α in [@del2012adaptive]. Essentially it represents a tradeoff between speed and accuracy - lower values will finish with fewer iterations but produce worse approximations. Typical values are between 0.9 and 0.99. The default is 0.95.

-d, --trace

Dump the values of each particle, their weights, and the distances of their associated simulated trees to this file after each iteration. You must specify this parameter if you want to record the estimated parameter values.

-m, --net-type

The name of the network model you want to fit. Currently available values are listed in the next section. The default is "pa", which indicates Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment.

-e, --final-epsilon

The first of two possible stopping conditions for SMC. The algorithm will be stopped when the current distance tolerance falls to less than this value. The default is 0.01. If you do not want to use this stopping criterion, pass -e 0 and specify a value for -a.

-a, --final-accept-rate

The second of two possible stopping conditions for SMC. The algorithm will be stopped when the acceptance proportion of MCMC moves of the particles falls below this value. The default is 0.015, or 1.5%. If you do not wish to use this stopping criterion, pass -a 0 and specify a value for -e.

Specifying the model and priors

Currently, three models are supported.

model description
pa Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment (uses igraph_barabasi_game)
gnp Erdos-Renyi random network (uses igraph_erdos_renyi_game)
smallworld Watts-Strogatz small world network (uses igraph_watts_strogatz_game)

Priors are specified in a YAML file. It's also possible to specify exact values on the parameters. Consider the following example YAML file.

N: ["uniform", 287, 10000]
I: ["uniform", 287, 10000]
time: 0
transmit_rate: 1
remove_rate: 0
m: ["uniform", 2, 6]
alpha: ["uniform", 0, 2]

Here, we are specifying uniform priors with various endpoints for the parameters "N", "I", "m", and "alpha". The parameters "time", "transmit_rate", and "remove_rate" have been specified exactly at the values 0, 1, and 0, respectively.

You must specify either priors for all parameters of the model you are fitting.

model parameter meaning
all N number of nodes in the network
all I number of infected nodes at time of sampling
all time amount of simulated time passed at time of sampling
all transmit_rate transmission rate per discordant edge
all remove_rate removal rate per infected node
pa m number of edges added per vertex
pa alpha preferential attachment power
gnp p probability per edge
smallworld nei number of neighbours for each vertex
smallworld p rewiring probability

The required parameters for all models have some dependency on each other. In the case of N and I (the total number of nodes, and the number of infected nodes), the priors you specify will be truncated to the region IN by rejection sampling. If there is not enough prior density in the region IN, the initialization of the particles will fail.

The time parameter indicates the simulation time at which sampling occurs. If set to 0, it is ignored, and the simulation proceeds as long as necessary I nodes to become infected. Likewise, if I is set to 0, the simulation proceeds until the specified time has been reached regardless of how large the epidemic gets. If I and time are both 0, then the simulation will always continue until there are no more discordant edges in the network. You cannot specify exact values for time or I unless the other is zero.

These are the distributions currently supported for specifying priors. Currently, joint priors are not supported, so you must list priors for each parameter independently. The "delta" distribution is the Dirac delta, equivalent to specifying an exact value.

Some distributions, such as the exponential distribution, are lower-bounded by zero. The parameter called "shift" allows you to specify a different lower bound, shifting the entire distribution. In other words, if the pdf of a distribution is given by f(x), the shift parameter will modify the pdf to be f(x) + shift. Similarly, the beta distribution is defined on the region [0, 1]. We introduce a parameter "scale" which scales the whole distribution, so that it is defined on $[shift, shift + scale]$ instead.

Some distributions can be parameterized multiple ways. I tried to keep the below table consistent Wikipedia.

distribution parameters
uniform a (lower limit), b (upper limit)
gaussian μ (mean), σ (variance)
delta shift
exponential shift, λ (rate)
laplace μ (location), b (scale)
exponential_power μ (location), α (scale), β (shape)
cauchy x0 (location), γ (scale)
rayleigh shift, σ (scale)
gamma k (shape), θ (scale)
lognormal μ (location), σ (scale)
chi_squared shift, k (degrees of freedom)
f shift, d1 (first degrees of freedom), d2 (second degrees of freedom)
student_t shift, ν (degrees of freedom)
beta shift, α (first shape), β (second shape), scale
logistic μ (location), s (scale)
pareto xm (scale), α (shape)
weibull shift, λ (scale), k (shape)

Adding new models

To maintain the speed of the program, it is necessary to directly modify the C code if you want to add a new network model. All the model-specific code is in src/netabc.c. At this stage, the procedure to add a new model is somewhat involved.

  1. Add a new element to the net_type enum for your new model.
  2. Append the number of model parameters it has to the global NUM_PARAMS array.
  3. Add elements to the net_parameter enum for all the model's parameters.
  4. Add the parameters' names to the PARAM_NAMES array.
  5. Modify the get_options() function to accept an abbreviation for your network type on the command line. Look for the line opts.net = NET_TYPE_PA and add something similar. Add the abbreviation to the usage() function.
  6. Add code to simulate a network under your model in the sample_dataset() function. Look for the line case NET_TYPE_PA: and add something similar.