UR10 Inverse Kinematics Solver

This repository contains 9 Python files that compute the inverse kinematics of a UR10 robot to reach a target. The main function is the ComparisonMarcToussaintNewtonLinesearch.py file which combines all the modules to solve a quadratic problem.


File description

The create_visualizer.py file is a module to create a meshcat.Visualizer of a pinocchio model.

The RobotWrapper.py file is a module to unwrap an URDF and add a end_effector frame and if the user wants, a sphere that can be used as a target along its target frame.

The QuadraticProblemInverseKinematics.py is a module computing the cost function of a certain quradratic problem, the gradient and the hessian matrix.

The Solver.py file is a module solving an unconstrained optimization problem by gradient method or newton method.

The test_functions.py file is a module testing the functions of the module Solver.py

The SolvingQPWithSolverGradientNewtonMethod.py file is a module using the solver Solver.py to solve the QP, both with a gradient method and a newton method and compares both of them.

The NewtonMethodMarcToussaint.py file is a module solving an unconstrained optimization problem by using a trust region method on a Newton algorithm.

The SolvingQPWithSolverMarcToussaint.py file is a module using the solver NewtonMethodMarcToussaint to solve the QP.

The ComparisonMarcToussaintNewtonLinesearch.py is the "main" module of this repo as it is combining all the modules to solve the following quadratic problem :

  • An UR10 has a random initial configuration, with a sphere as a target. It must reach the target. Hence, the cost function is the squared distance between the target and the end effector.

This module compares the methods from Newton and Marc Toussaint.

Maths behind this problem

This quadratic problem can be formulated like

$$ \min_{q \in \mathbb{R}^n} \frac{1}{2} | f(q) - y |_2^2$$

where $f(q)$ is the forward kinematics function and $y$ is the desired target.

To test the solver

In a terminal window :


In another terminal window :

python test_functions.py 

This python file shows that the solver works with a rosenbrock function and quadratic functions.

Solving this QP

In a terminal window :


In another terminal window :


Note :

Pinocchio 3 was used while developping, it is needed to compile the code. It does not work with pinocchio 2.