Researching Higher Order Functional (HOF) Cognitive Computing, training models, building autonomous AI agents, and competing in SF Bay Area Hackathons.
Distillative.AISan Francisco Bay Area
AsherBond's Following
- adaptive-intelligent-roboticsImperial College, London
- All-About-AI-YouTube
- AllAboutAI-YT
- anas-awadallaSeattle, Washington
- Annbless
- awsUnited States of America
- CognitiveComputingResearchGroupThe University of Memphis
- deep-diverElectronics Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
- dhorytskyiMagento
- dpfau
- emaballarinDept. of Maths, UniTS | @LACoNIC-UniTS ⊆ @ailab-units | @sissa-data-science | @AI-Student-Society
- eminaUniversity of Washington
- FrankLeeeeeNanyang Technological University
- GeorgiosSmyrnis
- hrhodin
- jasonppyThe University of Texas at Austin
- Jeximo
- JohannesGaesslerKarlsruhe Institute of Technology
- jukofyorkUK
- kernelmachineSeattle, WA
- kirsle@within-unlimited
- miltonlleraIT University of Copenhagen
- mimipaskova
- mitchellnwUniversity of Washington
- miurla
- nie-langBeijing Jiaotong University
- NVIDIA2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA, 95051
- pallets
- poe-platformUnited States of America
- ryan-the-crayon
- saran-t@google-deepmind
- SawyerHood@figma
- simonwDatasette
- WongKinYiuIIS, Academia Sinica
- yagil@lmstudio-ai
- yunjeyNAVER AI Lab