
A two-wheel self-balancing robot based on the Arduino micro-controller using LQR System

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Two Wheel Self Balance Bot

The Balance bot is based on, Arduino Mega, which is a micro-controller developed by Arduino. The project was controlled by an LQR control system. The following project was part of the Eyantra Competiton 2019-20 Biped Patrol theme.

Video Link

Team ID: eYRC-BP#804 | First-prize winner at National Level e-Yantra Robotics Competition 2019-20 conducted by e-Yantra, CSE Department, IIT Bombay, sponsored by MHRD, Government of India

Repository Content

  1. Task 0:- In this task, The aim was to get familiar with the theory of Control systems, In this task, we had to find equilibrium points in the given system of linear equation. This task familiarizes us with Octave and Control System.
  2. Task 1
    1. Task 1.1:- In this task, We had to implement the frequency filter in the Octave. We were given a CSV file that represented the value given by the accelerometer and gyroscope. So we have to implement a High pass filter, Low Pass filter and Complimentary filter, which gave accurate pitch and roll of a Robot.
    2. Task 1.2:- In this section, we were given rudimentary control system we need to implement LQR on these systems to find the solution at an unstable position.
  3. Task 3:-
    1. Task 3.1:- Arena Construction, In this, we were instructed how to make a bridge and layout of the area. We were given the rulebook which contained all the details about the tasks.
    2. Task 3.2:- In this, we had to make a Zigbee Remote, which was the essential part of controlling the Bot.
    3. Task 3.3:- In this task, we have to explain our understanding and approach to the project.
  4. Task 4:- In this, we have to demonstrate the basic manoeuvrability of Robot while maintaining balance in the Bot.
  5. Task 5:- This was the final task, on which we were selected. This folder contains the final Code.

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