A collection of generic React components built using stitches, including components that cover layout, content, data collection, media and a host of other UI concerns.
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Feature request: Optional label for Form Fields
#150 opened by Mhoog - 8
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`validation={{ required: true }}` should return a generic "This field is required" message
#204 opened by thomasdigby - 2
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Select applies `defaultValue=""`
#233 opened by thomasdigby - 3
Feature request: Tokenise Durations (ms)
#235 opened by avirati - 3
Jest Dev Dependency: yarn install throws - The engine "node" is incompatible with this module
#260 opened by avirati - 2
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Feature request: HOC for Tooltips
#274 opened by avirati - 2
`Tabs.TriggerList`: scrolling to the end/begin of a list does not hide the arrow
#293 opened by Mhoog - 0
Feature request: ActionIcon
#295 opened by andoulla - 3
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Feature request: List - bulletless variant
#131 opened by andoulla - 1
Feature request: Button
#248 opened by thomasdigby - 0
Feature request: Icon
#292 opened by andoulla - 1
Feature request: AlertDialog
#296 opened by andoulla - 2
Feature request: Avatar
#303 opened by thomasdigby - 0
Feature request: Badge
#328 opened by andoulla - 1
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- 0
Replace `polished` with `color2k`
#314 opened by thomasdigby - 1
Feature request: Date picker
#140 opened by thomasdigby - 2
Feature request: Search Input
#244 opened by andoulla - 4
Feature request: tabs
#243 opened by andoulla - 0
tab: disabled state cursor pointer
#240 opened by Deep-Codes - 1
[Table]: Body font colour is too light
#238 opened by andoulla - 3
Feature request: Radio Card
#181 opened by thomasdigby - 4
Feature update: explainer text in form fields
#209 opened by hollg - 1
Feature Update: Alert dialog
#208 opened by andoulla - 5
Table: problem
#201 opened by thomasdigby - 0
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RadioField: Using 'required' prop gives TS error; no red asterisk on 'required' label; gray line below label
#197 opened by shaneakins - 5
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Update request: Table
#193 opened by andoulla - 1
ValidationError: Icon and spacing from text shrink as text wraps to multiple lines
#192 opened by shaneakins - 1
Feature request: RadioGroupField layout options
#143 opened by mel-liow - 3
Feature request: Table
#166 opened by shaneakins - 2
Feature Request: Tabs
#173 opened by devDroid - 7
Feature request: <Input type=password/> hide/show value
#159 opened by hollg - 0
Feature request: Polymorphic Link and Button
#148 opened by hollg - 2
Feature request: `FormData`
#158 opened by thomasdigby - 0
Feature request: Stack Content
#139 opened by thomasdigby - 2
Feature Request: Toggle, Toggle Field
#133 opened by mel-liow