This is a custom NEXT 12 (USING THE OLD NEXTJS STYLE, NOT APP FOLDER - FOR THAT SEE THIS REPO) boilerplate that includes a setup for MUI & React Context.

Getting Started

Run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev


Everything is standardized to Next JS with a few caveats:

  1. Styles are in the styles folder along with the MUI theme customizations for light and dark mode. Note that you can't have styles files inside the Pages folder.
  2. A services folder exist for abstracting away API calls.
  3. A components folder exists for all abstracted components.
  4. A context folder exists for the global react Context that is set in the first client component loaded after a page load.


We're able to get all the state gotten from getServersideProps / getInitialProps through the custom getContext hook within any component in the React tree. It automatically gets populated with the pageProps passed in from _app.