
A JSON viewer using pure python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A JSON file data viewer using pure python

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What is this?

This is a JSON file data viewer based on python.

It only uses built-in libraries of python (tkinter, json).


  1. Minimum dependency.

  2. Multi-platform (Mac, Windows, Linux).

  3. Easy to use.


  • Python 3.7 or higher


$ pip install PyJSONViewer

or download as zip.

How to use

Select JSON file with CUI.

  1. Run pyjsonviewer with -f option and the path to a JSON file:

$ pyjsonviewer -f path_to_json_file/sample.json

  1. JSON data tree will be shown.

Select JSON file with GUI.

  1. Run pyjsonviewer

$ pyjsonviewer

  1. File->Open and then select json file.

  2. JSON data tree will be shown.

You can set initial directory:

$ pyjsonviewer -d path_to_json_file_dir

Select JSON file from history.

  1. Run pyjsonviewer.py

  2. File->"Open from history" and then double click a json file path from the list.


  1. JSON data tree will be shown.

Select JSON file with drag and drop.

  1. Run pyjsonviewer.py with the option -o

$ python pyjsonviewer.py -o path_to_json_file_dir

  1. File browser is shown.

  2. You can drag and drop a JSON file to the file browser.

Menu bar function

  • Expand all items: Tools -> Expand all

  • Collapse all items: Tools -> Collapse all

  • Show version: Help -> About

  • Show github page: Help -> GitHub page

  • Show release note: Help -> Release note

Inside python code

View json file

import pyjsonviewer


JSON data tree will be shown.

View json object

import pyjsonviewer
json_object = {"a":[1,2,3], "b":"test"}

JSON data tree will be shown.

Vimrc setting

If you are a vim user, you can set this command in your vimrc.

"JSON format
function! JsonFormat()
	%!python -m json.tool
command! JsonFormat :call JsonFormat()

"JSON viewer
function! JsonViewer()
	"%!python -m pyjsonviewer -f % > /dev/null
	let filename = expand('%')
	let s:job = job_start(
	\   ["/bin/sh", "-c", "python -m pyjsonviewer -f".filename],{})
command! JsonViewer :call JsonViewer()

When you are editing a json file with vim,

you can open it using PyJSONViewer with

: JSONViewer()

You can also format json file with

: JSONFormat()

Open a link with a browser

If a URL is included in a json file,

you can open it with a browser with double click the URL.


