A simple Python module for recording matplotlib animation
It can generate a matplotlib animation movie (mp4, gif, etc.)
This tool use "convert" command of ImageMagick.
Call save_frame() at each animation iteration,
And then, call savemovie() for movie generation.
A sample code:
import matplotrecorder
print("A sample recording start")
import math
time = range(50)
x1 = [math.cos(t / 10.0) for t in time]
y1 = [math.sin(t / 10.0) for t in time]
x2 = [math.cos(t / 10.0) + 2 for t in time]
y2 = [math.sin(t / 10.0) + 2 for t in time]
for ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2 in zip(x1, y1, x2, y2):
plt.plot(ix1, iy1, "xr")
plt.plot(ix2, iy2, "xb")
matplotrecorder.save_frame() # save each frame
# generate movie
matplotrecorder.save_movie("animation.mp4", 0.1)
# matplotrecorder.save_movie("animation.gif", 0.1) #gif is ok.
Atsushi Sakai (@Atsushi_twi)